jobs networking

Job Opportunities – Con Ed

Con Edison is hiring in various locations around NYS and NYC. This is a sample of open positions ranging from entry-level to positions requiring some experience. Please read about job opportunities here:

To apply: Learn more and apply for these and other positions at the career site. Con Edison – Careers

jobs networking

Job Opportunities – Instrument Operator at WM Schutt

For 33 years, WM Schutt & Associates has provided civil engineering and land surveying throughout Buffalo, NY. With offices in Lancaster, NY, their project team is able to perform a variety of civil engineering and land development services for projects in the region. WM Schutt is seeking an Instrument Operator for their survey crew, to ensure that accurate measurements and data collection are conducted with precision to support their land surveying projects.

For more information, see attached here.

To apply, send your resume and cover letter to mschutt @ Cc: amsowder @ Use the subject line β€œCMCE Career – WM Schutt.” Do not send just a blank email with resume attachment.

jobs networking

Job Opportunities – NYC Parks

NYC Parks is hiring for the following job opportunities for students and alumni:

To apply: Please click on the job description above for more information and instructions on how to apply.


Jobs – Surveyors at NYC Parks Department

NYC Parks is currently hiring two Surveyors to perform land surveying work in the City’s parks.

Successful candidates will meet the city’s requirements including a combination of school and work experience. This job is posted for students, alumni, and the CMCE network.

For details and to apply: see attached


Jobs – FT Land Surveyors in Rochester with Costich

Costich is growing their Survey Department by two persons; one would aid in field work and the other would assist indoors with processing, base mapping, boundary review, etc. Their firm recently obtained NYS WBE certification. Their surveyors use Leica TS06 fully robotic LEICA Geosystem instruments, Surveyor 2 data collectors running on the latest Carlson SurvCE software, and Carlson BRx6 Base and Rover Systems.

Experience: Minimum three (3) years experience as a Survey Crew Member/Chief with the ability to become a licensed Surveyor In Training (SIT) within a couple of years, with the goal of obtaining licensure as an New York Professional Land Surveyor (PLS); Education: Associates Degree in Land Surveying, Civil Engineering, or related field experience preferred; Location: Rochester, NY 14608

For more info and to apply: Land Surveyor – Open Position – Costich Engineering, Land Surveying & Landscape Architecture D.P.C.