jobs networking

Job Opportunity – Sciame Seeking PE or PE Candidate

Sciame Construction is seeking a PM for foundation and structural trades on a new high profile project. Desired qualifications include PE credentials (or candidates who have passed their FE and are working towards their PE), appropriate work experience, and commitment to quality.

To apply or find out more, send an email with the subject line β€œCMCE Career – Sciame” addressed to Rob DaRos (VP) at rdaros @ and cc: Anne Marie Sowder amsowder @ Attach your resume.


Career Week – 10/17 Trinity Wall ST Site Tour with Sciame

Join Sciame Construction for a tour of the major rejuvenation construction work undertaken at Trinity Wall Street, one of NYC’s premiere landmarks. Conveniently located one subway stop from City Tech.

Monday, October 17th | Time: 5:00 pm  Location: Meet at the front of the building at the corner of Wall ST and Broadway in Manhattan

Please wear closed toed shoes and bring student ID.

Click here to register for this event.

This event is brought to you as part of Career Week 2022 and is sponsored by the Student Chapter of CMAA.