Khiran Samsundar, CMCE Construction Engineering Technology BTech class of 2018, received a promotion to Assistant Project Manager with Jacobs Engineering Group, and is currently working on Bellevue Men’s Shelter Rehabilitation. The project includes a complete roof replacement and electrical work including panel and feeder replacements, a 750KW emergency generator on the roof bulkhead with modification to existing bulkhead, and associated structural upgrades. Khiran previously worked on LaGuardia Airport – Central Terminal B Redevelopment, a design-build project consisting of 8 miles of roadway, 20 bridges, 3 million square feet of paving asphalt and concrete, estimated total labor hours of 11 million, over 40 thousand tons of steel, and 9 miles of baggage handling system. The project cost was approximately $4.83B. At City Tech, Khiran was President of the AGC Club, Co-Chaired the ACE Mentor Dinner events, and received membership in Sigma Lambda Chi, the International Construction Honor Society.