Clubs networking

Virtual AGC Student Chapter Town Hall

The AGC of America and the National Construction Leadership Council are hosting a Student Chapter Town Hall on February 19, 2025, from 2:00–3:00 PM EST. Topic: Engaging with Industry & Securing Funding.

Join AGC Student Chapter members from Oklahoma State University, the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, and Kansas State University, along with Jeremy Wheeler of the National Construction Leadership Council, for an engaging discussion on:
How student chapters establish meaningful relationships with industry professionals; Best practices for approaching companies for sponsorship and funding; Strategies for immersing industry partners in chapter activities

Register Now: Microsoft Virtual Events Powered by Teams

jobs training

Job Opportunity – 3 Year Engineering/Contractor Rotation

The AGC NYS, American Council of Engineering Companies of NY and the NYS Department of Transportation are starting a joint 3-year internship program starting this summer.

Freshman or sophomores can apply for this program and then spend 3 summers in rotation with a Consulting Engineering firm, NYS DOT and then with an AGC NYS Contractor, learning all 3 sectors of construction.  They will be placed in positions in their home regions of NY and will be paid competitive salaries for the industry. The program will accept 6 students in each area for this summer’s internship program.

Applications are due April 1, 2024.  Students can get more information and find an online application here:


Scholarship – AGC NYS

The AGC NYS Scholarship Committee is now accepting applications for their undergraduate, graduate and diesel technology programs.

Since 1998 the program has awarded 669 scholarships totaling over $1.6 million to students pursuing degrees in Construction or construction-related engineering (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical). 

In 2023 the scholarship committee awarded 31 scholarships worth a total of $81,500.  We average 45 applications submissions per year.  That’s better than a 68% chance of an award.   Awards range from $5000-$2500 each.

Apply by May 3, 2024.

Click here for the direct link to the online application (transcript and three evaluations are also needed) or visit the AGC NYS website at