
ADV 1161 – Publication Media

Instructor: Libby Clarke
Email: sclarke@citytech.cuny.edu
Office Hours (by appointment only): N1126, 2pm to 3pm Mondays, 9am to 10am Thursdays

Class Syllabus

Co-requisites: ENG 0920W, ENG 0920R or CUNY certification in reading, writing and mathematics

Course Description
Students learn basic typography and page assembly techniques including elements, measurements, fonts, settings and configurations, proofreading mark-ups and corrections, altered file naming conventions and storage organizations. The course also emphasizes the proper use of keyboard controls and the relationship of type to page assembly. Students learn to use industry standard software such as InDesign on the Macintosh operating system.  In addition there will be an emphasis on student mastery of industry terminology.

15% Project #1: Poster
15% Project #2: Brochure
15% Project #3: CD cover and booklet
15% Project #4: Two-page editorial spread, cover and TOC
20%Two exams
10% Two quizzes
10% Class Participation/Professionalism

2cl hr, 2 lab hrs, 3 cr

I reserve the right to change the syllabus or grading formula as I see fit, given the composition and progress of the class. I will notify the class as to these changes in writing in a timely fashion.