Class Info

  • Date: Friday 2/25/2022
  • Meeting Info: Meeting in-person in Voorhees V-812

To-Do Before Class

  • Module I: Case Study Building – First Floor Plan
    • Complete First Floor Plan
    • Post to Miro by Friday 2/25, 12pm
  • Module 1: Case Study Building – Section
    • Complete Building Section
    • Post to Miro by Friday 2/25, 12pm
  • Module 1: Case Study Building – Elevation
    • Using the floor plan and building section as references, block out the Federal Hall Building Elevation
    • Have grids and levels laid out and ready to review with by next class
    • Post progress to Miro by Friday 2/25, 12pm


  • Architectural Drawings – Sections + Elevations


  • Progress Pin-Up
    • All students shall pin up their plans and section progress for review together
  • Module I: Case Study Building – Section
    • In-class drawing demonstration
  • Module I: Case Study Building – Elevation
    • Review next steps for setting up the elevation drawing

To-Do After Class

  • Reading 4 – Building Materials 12.02-12.08, 12.10-12.12
    • Group 2 to present Reading 4 next class
    • Reading presentation groups listed here
    • Refer to the reading list on the ARCH 1231 Course Hub for specific pages
    • Submit scanned + formatted Reading Notes+ Sketches
    • In addition to your notes + sketches, prepare the following and be ready to discuss next class: There are 5 types of building materials that we learn about in Reading #3: Concrete, Masonry, Steel, Stone, and Wood.
      • In your own environment (home, work, neighborhood) identify locations where each of these materials is being used.
      • Based on what you learn in the reading, try to determine:
        • Why that specific material would be chosen for that specific use.
        • Is the material is being used appropriately, or is there another material that would be a better choice?
      • Provide a photo of each item and be ready to discuss together in class.
      • Post to Miro by Friday 3/4, 12pm
  • Module I: Case Study Building – Final Drawings
    • Complete Plan Geometry Diagram, First Floor Plan, Section, + Elevation drawings
    • Post final drawings to Miro by Friday 3/4, 12pm