Class Info

  • Date: Friday 2/18/2022
  • Meeting Info: Meeting in-person in Voorhees V-812

To-Do Before Class

  • Reading 3 – Stairs 9.03-9.09
    • Group 1 to present Reading 3 next class
      • Reading presentation groups listed here
    • Refer to the reading list on the ARCH 1231 Course Hub for specific pages
    • Submit scanned + formatted Reading Notes+ Sketches
    • In addition to your notes + sketches, prepare the following and be ready to discuss next class: 
      • Find a stair near you (home, park, etc…), measure it, draw it in plan and section, and confirm whether or not it complies with the building code based on what you’ve learned in the reading.
      • What are the key things to look for when trying to figure out if a stair is code compliant?
    • Due Friday 2/18, 12pm (post to Miro)
  • Module I: Case Study Building – First Floor Plan
    • Complete First Floor Plan
    • Post to Miro by Friday 2/18, 12pm
  • Module 1: Case Study Building – Section
    • Using the floor plan and dimensions given as a reference, block out the Federal Hall Building Section
    • Have grids and levels laid out and ready to review with by next class
    • Post progress to Miro by Friday 2/18, 12pm


  • Reading 3 – Stairs
  • Architectural Drawings – Sections + Elevations


  • Reading 3 Presentation
    • Group 1 to present Reading 3
  • Reading 3 Recap
    • Students should be ready to present their concept maps and stair sketches
  • Module I: Case Study Building – Section
    • In-class drawing demonstration
  • Module I: Case Study Building – Elevation
    • Review next steps for setting up the elevation drawing

To-Do After Class

  • Module I: Case Study Building – First Floor Plan
    • Complete First Floor Plan
    • Post to Miro by Friday 2/25, 12pm
  • Module 1: Case Study Building – Section
    • Complete Building Section
    • Post to Miro by Friday 2/25, 12pm
  • Module 1: Case Study Building – Elevation
    • Using the floor plan and building section as references, block out the Federal Hall Building Elevation
    • Have grids and levels laid out and ready to review with by next class
    • Post progress to Miro by Friday 2/25, 12pm