Robert Christo | HD69 | Fall 2021

Discussion: Introductions

Please add a comment to this post introducing yourself to the class. You could include your academic interests, why you chose your major, what you enjoy reading, listening to, watching, and doing in your spare time, or anything else you want to share (include your pronouns, if you wish).

Before next class, please add your introduction and read the comments.

Get to know your classmates! Reply to one of your classmates’ comments. Do you have something in common? Did you learn something? Be kind.


  1. Lorraine

    Hi everyone, my name is Lorraine. I am currently in my second semester of Architect Technology at City Tech, and pursuing a bachelor degree in Architect. During my spare time I like experimenting with recipes by turning all my favorite foods and desserts plant-based. I look forward to meeting you all 🙂

    • Jho

      I remember you from last semester! nice seeing you again~

    • Hilary Y

      Hi, nice to see you again. I think we have another same class this semester.

  2. Linnette Mora

    Hello my name is Linnette Mora, I am a mother to a 4 year old sassy girl. This is my second semester in Architecture. I choose Architecture because I enjoy designing and building things, I enjoy doing things with paper, epoxy, acetate, wood and so much more. I enjoy reading romance novels, self care, and trill books. I enjoy watching movies, and I love cleaning it soothes me.
    I hope to learn much more and get to meet each of you and hopefully become friends down the road of our Architecture journey.

    • Felix

      Hi Linnette! Nice to see you again! I look forward to an great semester with you and the rest of the class. : )

    • Brandon Hernandez

      Hey Linnette! its so awesome seeing how much patience you have with all those different types of crafts!

      • Linnette Mora

        Thank you Brandon, yes it takes patience, but once I see the end product is so worth it.

    • Hilary Y

      Hi, Linnette it is nice to see you again after the morning class. It looks like we are in the same few classes. keep in touch!!

  3. Xhulioarch

    Hey, I’m Xhulio this is my 3rd year in architecture I’ve been trying to become a architect but the way this pandemic set up my life I have become a 12 year old again playing video games all day and eating junk food. But sadly I’m not 12 but 23 it’s ok I feel like I’m 32, but it can always be worse. However my interest in architecture spanned from a child with legos and to middle school with Minecraft. Therefore living in NYC where construction seems to never sleep just like the city. Being apart of the growth and evolution of the city not just that the world, because architecture isn’t construction, but more like a lifestyle.

    • Jho

      I love minecraft, one of the many video games that made me wanna try out architecture! :p

  4. David Cen

    Hey everyone my name is David and this is my second semester in Architecture. I decide to choose this major is because I would love to design a building for my own. I am also a reseller. In my spare time, I would usually stay home and buy stuff and sell. It is just an easy way to make some money during pandemic times.

  5. Felix

    Hi All! Nice to meet you! I am majoring in arch technology this semester. This is my second semester and so far I really like the school. I also like my teachers and fellow students and look forward to learning from them and growing in this field. Thank you.

    • Linnette Mora

      Hey Felix, so nice to have a familiar face in class. Hope we crush this semester as well, and have fun in this Architecture journey with everyone.

  6. Alisher

    Hello everyone! My name is Alisher I am a second year in City Tech. I love Architecture especially different styles of it around the world. One day I want to travel and experience how culture has an impact on architecture! I am excited to meet everyone and have a great semester with you all.

  7. Jho

    Hiya! my name is Jhoslee I am a B.Tech major and this is my second year but second semester of the course. I like architecture because I like to create stuff but I couldn’t find a good outlet to channel that so here I am. I’m currently learning how to skateboard and I got a pet cat, her name is Nyla (she is also very naughty >: D). Pleasure to meet you!

    • Lorraine

      Hi again Jho! I adopted a kitten in April. They are super curious about everything and love to play A LOT, especially early in the morning when you’re trying to sleep or late at night. Be prepared to have treats and patience haha.

      • Jho

        Nice! and I know right? after she got customed to my home she’s just been nothing but energy but you gotta love em! lol.

  8. Osaruyi

    Hello, my name is Osaruyi, but you can call me Ruyi. This is my Second year at City tech, and I am a B.Arch. major. I like Architecture because I love interior decoration and designing buildings. I also love travelling.

  9. Brandon Hernandez

    Hi my name is Brandon Hernandez. I’m pursuing a career in Architecture where hopefully I’ll be able to design my own home in the future. I play the piano and guitar when I’m not studying and I hope to learn and expand my knowledge of architecture this semester.

    • Linnette Mora

      Hi Brandon, so nice to see you again. I would love to build my own house in the future as well. Oh I love how the guitar sounds, it would be epic to learn how to play it. I don’t know about the piano, some people play it nice but others put me to sleep lol.

  10. Dtzunun

    Hello, my name is Debora. I transfer a year ago and I chose this major because I saw a spark of interest when I work with my dad in his hardware store. I love reading architecture and drawing books. You would usually see me in the art section browsing. I love listening to slow peaceful music and I love to listen to alternative rock. IN my spare time I love to go out and draw either in a cafe or a park. I love exploring around Nyc a lot and take pictures as well. I love to play bass and I recently got a baby blue color bass. I look forward to this class this semester.

  11. Mia Correa

    Hi everyone my name is Mia Correa and this is my fourth semester at CityTech. Currently I work as an eyelash tech. During quarantine I got an Australian Sheppard puppy named Hazel. My goal is to become an architect and build vacation homes for rent in as many locations as possible.

  12. isaiah

    Hi my name is isaiah, i’m a second semester student here at city tech. I’m majoring in architecture technology. I served in the united states marine corps for 4 years and now i plan on serving my country by being apart of designing the future for them.

  13. Hilary Y

    Hello everyone,
    My name is Hilary Yang. I graduated with an associate degree two years ago. Last year, I decided to go back to school and I pursued my dream to become an architect. This is my second semester. I like to research how the building structure works on. Also, I like to design and sketch buildings. I like the new modern building. Hopefully, everyone enjoying this semester.

  14. yiyi

    Hello, my name is Yiyi Zhong. This is my third semester in Architecture. I choose Arch because I found out that designing a project and see the result of your effort is super cool. I also like traveling. My next year’s summer goal is to visit XiZang in China.

  15. Chunpu

    Hello, my name is Chunpu Zhang. This is my second year in Architecture. I like some buildings that make people close to nature, and my dream is to design one of those. This summer, I tried drawing some paintings on white shoes. The reason is I want to express some of my thoughts and feelings through something.

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