Class Info

  • Date: Wednesday, 3/29
  • Meeting Info: Voorhees V-305

To-Do Before Class

  • Daily Sketches (5 minimum) – Space
    • Sketch 5 different potential spatial configurations for the 20 x 20 x 20 space that we’ll be developing in project 2


  • Project 2 – Design Concept
  • Designing for the Public – Battery Park City


  • Design Concepts
    • What are they, and why are they important?
    • Examples of design concepts
  • In class activity – Developing a concept
    • Come up with a set of initial design concepts for your 20 x 20 x 20 space
    • Compile a set of inspirational images that contain some of the qualities you’d like to develop in your space
    • Sketch out some initial spatial configurations that reflect your concept
    • Professor to review one on one with each student
  • Battery Park City Presentation

To-Do After Class

  • Project 2 – Concept
    • Based on your discussion with the professor, continue to develop your initial concept for your 20 x 20 x 20 space and be prepared to discuss next class
  • Daily Sketches (5 minimum) – Design Concept
    • As you develop your concept, you should be sketching…
  • We have a field trip next class! Bring your sketchbook and something to draw with!
    • Location: Battery Park City
    • Time: 2:30pm
    • Meeting Location: TBD
  • Enjoy Spring Break!
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