Author: Kevin Romo

Research Project Presentation

Research Journal:


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Final Project Video:


Reading response 9

After the postmodernism era, artists started taking art differently. Technology was growing, and so was how we were making art. During the cold war, there were a lot of new music bands that started creating album covers for their discs. Graphic design artists started creating the design for the covers. These artists felt free to do art in a way that wasn’t done before. They felt free to do art however they wanted instead of following any ideology like the Bauhaus. They could do any art they wanted and, since it was new and innovative, people would like it. However, nowadays this is not the case because artists have to be very careful with the art that they make, because if they make a mistake their careers would be over. Because of this, I believe that the postmodern era died when social media became a thing.

Final Report Outline – KR


Since Video games became a part of our lives back in the late 70s we have seen a lot of improvement that has left us with our mouths opened. The advancement of technology has helped us improve our games and create new innovations to change the way we play games in many new ways. However technology isn’t the only thing that has improved in the making of video games through the years. Graphic design in games has improved so much and it’s impressive how it has. Technology and design has improved Video Games because it has made games more fun and more interesting to play.


Let’s look at the history of technology and graphic design in games and how it has changed it for the better


  1. Technology x Games
  • Beginning of games


  • Evolution through the years


  • the present and how it has made it better


2.  Graphic design x Games

  • how are they connected


  • Example of graphic design in games


  • Example of graphic design in game covers and posters



Explain how all of this has been reasons why video games are what they are now








Reading Response 7 – KR

The relationship between the artist and the client should be reciprocal at all times. Their relationship should be reciprocal because both of them have to show to each other that they respect each other and that they agree to create art. They have to agree with each other. They do not recognize us that are in design as designers. We don’t have a title like the architects. But do we really need one? Do we really want one?. Some of us designers go to schools to prepare ourselves and to become professionals, but some of the greatest artists came from their homes they taught themselves. We don’t care about a title; we care about our satisfaction with our work and the clients satisfaction towards it.

Research Paper 6 – KR

Through the time we have been progressing as human beings and we have made laws that make us equal. And this is not only in the political view but in the graphic design field as well. We went from having only white people creating popular designs to anyone who can make designs that stand out and have meaning. We have changed the commercial design field in a big way by letting different cultures show their art. Also, we celebrate those cultures, this allows people to learn about them and their history. From now to the future, I don’t see the commercial design field and the study of design history changing at all. The reason is that we have already made this change already, we as a society and as graphic designers have changed our views and allowed many cultures in this world of design.

Research Paper 1 – KR

Research Paper: “Bring in “Da Noise,  Bring in ‘Da Funk”


My research paper is about the poster “Bring in ‘Da Noise, Bring in ‘Da Funk”  created by Paula Scher in 1996. This poster was for the Public Teather and it was designed to bring more attention to it.  this is one of Paula’s most famous work.


This is my research assignment link —->


Reading Response 4B – KR

Typography and photography play a big role in the new art. Combining both of them is a big change for art. This type of art is called Tophet. Invented in a Bauhaus school by Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, this was a big innovation in art. Images and words in the same place help people understand the art that they are looking at more and it helps them appreciate it. This can create powerful images, therefore political cartoons are powerful because they combine both words and images to explain an event that is happening in the world.

Herbert Bayer said that typography is a service art, but what does this really mean?. Since anyone can use any form of typography, then that makes it a service art. Because of that, typography cannot be a form of fine art because everyone can use it. Herbert also said that one way that the revitalization of typography will come with the creation of a new alphabet. Although it might revolutionize because it is something different for everyone, the creation of a new alphabet will change how we have done things. This would make typography worse instead of making it a fine art and people would not like it.

Reading Response 4 – KR

  • What role did they imagine technology would play in shaping those futures?

For the futurist technology was just an advancement and it could help them progress like the advancements in the military however for the constructivist group they completly hate technology, they believe that its a bad thing to art, an enemy to it.


  • What common views do these authors share? Where might they disagree?

One of the big factors that these authors disagree is the violence and distruction that the futurist show against the work and new innovations that the constructivist group shares. From my point of view i dont think that these groups share anything in common they have completely different views.


  • Which elements of these texts are relevant for the present?   Which elements are problematic?

the biggest element that is relevant to the present is that the construtivist group think that technology is an mortal enemy of art, this is true in some way. technology can be very bad for humans it makes us lazy but i believe that technology has helped us in many ways one of them is in the advancement of medicine and the stuff that we have accomplished with it.  the most problematic element of all is the evil and destructive intentions that the futurist movement has on the world. they like war and they like destruction, they say its the only cure to this world. i think they are wrong, wars and distruction bring more problems to the world it never has benefited anyone.



second draft


What role did they imagine technology would play in shaping those futures?

For the futurist, technology was just an advancement and it could help them progress like the advancements in the military. However, for the constructivist group, they completely hate technology. They believe that it’s a bad thing to art, an enemy to it.


What common views do these authors share? Where might they disagree?

One of the big factors that these authors disagree with is the violence and destruction that the futurist show against the work and new innovations that the constructivist group shares. From my point of view, I don’t think these groups share anything in common. They have completely different views.


Which elements of these texts apply to the present? Which elements are problematic?

The biggest element that applies to the present is that the constructivist group thinks that technology is a mortal enemy of art. This is true. Technology can be terrible for humans. It makes us lazy, but I believe that technology has helped. Us, one of them is in the advancement of medicine and the stuff that we have accomplished with it. The most problematic element of all is the evil and destructive intentions that the futurist movement has on the world. They like war and they like destruction. They say it’s the only cure to this world. I think they are wrong, wars and destruction bring more problems to the world. It never has benefited anyone.

Reading Response 2 – KR


  • Can visual design accomplish things that language cannot? Why?

Visual design can accomplish things that language cannot one of the biggest examples is during WW2 when the nazis used visuals against jewish people, with the many propagandas showing jewish as  bad and evil people.  Visual design is more powerful than words because more people tend to understand images better than words


  • How are signs, signifiers, and the signified employed in visual communication?

signs are very important in design we see it everyday in the streets with the signs of transportation that helps people be safer while driving their car.  Also the signifiers show us in images and words how we should use an object and the signified is what it stands for. all of these go hand by hand with each other.

Reading response 1 – KR

  • According to this author, what role should design play in society?

According to the author in the early 1900’s many avant-garde artists, looked at the old art and wanted to change it’s bourgeois and subjective visions that corrupted society. Instead they wanted to change it to represent the ideas of neutrality and objectivity in our society.


  • What role does technology play in shaping design?

technology played a big role in shaping design because of the changes and facilities that it provided it. With technology is easier to create content like the creation of the DIY. it helps to the creation, distribution and production of design.


  • What are the most urgent problems facing designers today?

Most of the problems are that today designers still try to continue to champion the ideas of neutrality and objectivity. But in this modern and technological society it’s not easy to achieve


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