Author: Emmanuel Mena (Page 2 of 2)

Reading Response 4 – EM



In this manifesto, we can see Marinetti starts to somewhat glorify Futurism as the new and only way of living. He says that speed should be cherished and admired and that technology is the only way of living.  He continues saying that the old ways of living should no longer be, that libraries and museums should be burned because they are a reminder of how we used to live now that we have speed and electricity. We should modernize everything and start living in this new futuristic world that he describes in the manifesto. He also insights violence and uses these new powers that speed has to give us and puts them to use to fight in wars. He talks about airplanes and automobiles as these new technologies that would free us from the past.

In the second reading “Who We Are Manifesto,” we can see how this group describes that technology is the mortal enemy of art.  they say”We—are your first fighting and punitive force. We are also your last slave-workers.” here we can see how they refer to the end of slavery now that the technology is rapidly being more and more accessible even more factories are emerging and by doing so they describe it as the last slave wave of workers. there would no longer be a need for them since speed and technology have taken over. and perhaps that is a good thing but is also a bad thing for the future. Soon there will be no need for humans to do work and we will be left with no jobs.

Our book el Lissitzky

Lissitzky appears to be dissatisfied with the state of book arts, but in reality, he is always looking forward to the future and the media it will bring. His attitude toward new media corresponds to his perspective on communication. It’s evident that Lissitzky was onto something if we follow his theory through television, computers, and the internet. Communication is a powerful force that defies tradition. It has consumed many of the mediums that have been presented to it. The internet is the most recent venue for public communication, and it will continue to evolve and flourish. 

The internet is an answer to the complaint against writing trends in books. It is a web that can be linked and changed by millions of people. In this way, it is a great leveling force in society. Lissitzky glorifies the printers and artists of his day because they did not discriminate in who they took their message to. Posters and paperbacks could reach laborers as well as bibliophiles. In modern times everyone can not only listen to the conversation but can directly participate. He talks about how technology such as printers and paper has been replaced with things like our phones. He says that the modern world is replacing masses of material with released energies. This means that nowadays we can quickly send a text message to someone across the world but before there was the care and thought put into a letter that would travel thousands of miles to reach its destination. 

Reading Response 3 – EM




When we think about the way we see the world we don’t really think about why we perceive things in certain ways. This is due to the many different systems of communication that have been in place since the beginning of time. These systems have been shaping our worldviews since we were little. teaching us how to view things or how to perceive them. They teach us to understand certain things when we look at symbols or images or events. And this is why it is so important for creators and designers to really take into consideration the way they communicate something to the world because it can make people see and think a certain way. In the text, we can see how they use the picture of Eve handing an apple to adam. Why an apple? a lot of people may ask, as they describe it in the reading an apple symbolizes temptation. By using an apple the designer already had in mind that the fruit already had this meaning in our heads so why not use it to symbolize the message of the forbidden fruit. We also see this tactic being used in the movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, where an evil witch poisons Snow white with a cursed apple into a death state of sleep and can only be awakened by its lover’s first kiss. This is another example: these systems of communication can construct a way of thinking and infiltrate it into our minds without us even knowing. This is because what is often seen as natural is just the product of various cultural habits and prejudices that have become so ingrained that we no longer notice them. Everything has a form and a meaning and through the communication systems, we assign certain meanings and emotions to these things.

Reading Response 2 – EM

When ready, create a new post in this OpenLab Course. At the top of the post copy and paste the following:
Warde, Beatrice. The Crystal Goblet, or Why Printing Should Be Invisible Princeton Architectural Press, 2009. Pages 39-43., Kepes, György. Language of Vision: Painting, Photography, Advertising-Design, Paul Theobald, 1949. Pages 200-221

  •  Select a design or design object created after 1971 in which the influence of the theories considered thus far can be seen.
  •  Begin with a brief description of the object, the designer who created it, and the historical circumstances under which it was made.
  • Your goal is to provide a critical examination, not an account of historical details.


A design that I would like to talk about is the UPC bar code. This simple design we see on everything we buy or touch nowadays was designed by Norman Joseph Woodland and was first introduced in 1974.  Norman was at a beach in Miami when he started to draw lines with different weights and later on realized it looked like some sort of morse code. He then took his design to pen and paper making this as simple as black and white. the line strokes would vary as well as each number at the bottom. Many designers saw this simple design yet so comprehensive that they decided to give it a try. They introduced the first products with a UPC scanning bar at the Marsh Supermarket in the small town of Troy, Ohio. Finally, at 8 a.m. on June 26, 1974, the first product was scanned successfully and the rest is history, something so simple and without much color has shaped the world we now live in. The 99% of things we purchase or use have a UPC barcode on them. This has made the mailing industry distribute our packages at an intensive rate and it has also served the food industry in the best way possible by giving them the power to be able to sell products at a fast phase. Simple black lines have transformed the world we now live in.

Reading Response 1 – E M

Armstrong, Helen. “Introduction: Revisiting the Avant-Garde” Graphic Design Theory: Readings From the Field, Princeton Architectural Press, 2009. Pages 9-15.


  • What role does technology play in shaping design?

Designers play such a big role in society since they have the most powerful tools at their disposal to create and alter the things we interact with on a daily basis.  We can see how the author talks about the way technology is changing the relationship between the producer and the consumer. by enabling designers to design, produce and distribute their content at a massive rate. Technology has opened a huge door and given so much freedom to designers to use tech to express themselves and make the impossible possible. It gives them access to publicly make something go viral in minutes before that was far from possible until technology arrived at the designers’ fingertips.

  • What distinguishes the field, or fields, of design from other creative occupations?

the author says, “Already designers increasingly create tools, templates, and resources for their clients and other users to implement.” Here we see the things that designers do to make other people’s lives easier. this is one of the many reasons but a major one that distinguishes the field of design from any other creative occupation. Designers work to create solutions or services to better assist the clients with their needs. We have to stop, think, and analyze what the client needs and then continue and develop and test possible solutions.



  • What are the most urgent problems facing designers today?

Today some graphic designers continue to champion ideals of neutrality and objectivity that were essential to the early formation of their field.  Nowadays graphic designers must take note and consciously position themselves within the prosumer culture or run the risk of being creatively sidelined by it. 


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