Research Paper 6 – KR

Through the time we have been progressing as human beings and we have made laws that make us equal. And this is not only in the political view but in the graphic design field as well. We went from having only white people creating popular designs to anyone who can make designs that stand out and have meaning. We have changed the commercial design field in a big way by letting different cultures show their art. Also, we celebrate those cultures, this allows people to learn about them and their history. From now to the future, I don’t see the commercial design field and the study of design history changing at all. The reason is that we have already made this change already, we as a society and as graphic designers have changed our views and allowed many cultures in this world of design.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Childers

    Good response and expression of your opinion. Do you think that there are any areas that could be improved?

    spell check should have picked this up: Through the time we have been progressing as human beings and we have made laws that make us equal.

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