Richard Rohoman                                                                                                            2/20/22



Reading Response #2



Throughout history language have played an integral part in design, it has helped with key components in style and design. It is great way for designers to get there message across without infringing on others. Designers have used key concepts through out history in their design. These key concepts have great consequences because they can produce new insights into the meanings of objects, images, and texts. As an artist grows, he begins to adapt to his surroundings to become a better artist. Designers use design aspects such as materials, color schemes, shapes, patterns, textures, or layouts that they then follow in each of their design. These concepts have continued to help and guide designers as they grow as an artist. Understanding how to communicate your message in very important for your audience to understand your message in your design. Artists and designers are always trying to find new similes to help express their message in their design. A simile is a stated comparison between two different objects, images, ideas, or likenesses. They often occur in our everyday life. As designers the comparison between image and text is key to understanding any design. It is how your design stands out from others.