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What role does technology play In shaping design?

Technology has facilitated designing for creators in the sense that they’ve made it easier and faster for it to come out into the world. As stated in page 9 “ Digital technology puts creation, production, and distribution into the hands of the designer enabling such bold assertions of artistic presence” These new and emerging tools are being taken advantage of to freely create art in a form in which they can express themselves , gain public feedback and make themselves known. Arising artist’s are putting more emphasis on “ authorship” although anonymity has been going on for quite some time. As stated on page 9 “Early models of graphic design were built on ideals of anonymity, not authorship”. Technology has shaped the way design was heading towards, it shifted paths and now it’s more modernized and it continues to grow as stated on page 13 “ Designers are actively engaging their societies politically and culturally, increasingly thinking globally inside a tightly networked world”.


1 Comment

  1. Prof. Childers

    Excellent response! What do you think the term “modernized” means here? Contemporary or “Nisbet defined it as “technology, industrialism, democracy, secularism, individualism, equalitarianism, and for a few, socialism”

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