Reading Response 1 – C CV

  • What role does technology play in shaping design?

Technology plays a huge role in shaping design because now a days designers are able to share their work in the internet. Social media is a large platform where designers can show their work, connect with other designers, and meet clients. In the past, technology wasn’t there or wasn’t as evolved as it is at the moment. Designers in the past had to get lucky to get credit or get noticed by others. Apart from that, technology has made it much easier for designers to complete their work and even make their work better with different types of tools. 

  • What distinguishes the field, or fields, of design from other creative occupations?

The field of design focuses more on problem solving and providing a solution to a problem. During this era, most client are looking for a design in which a designer has to provide according to the clients needs. Communicating with the client will make it much easier for the designer to provide the design that will satisfy the client. 

  • What are the most urgent problems facing designers today?

A problem that designers face today is keeping up with the technology that is being provided day by day. New tools will always be introduced in the programs that designers use. There are already numerous tools to use and having to start getting used to a new tool is always a challenge for designers. A second problem could be satisfying the client. Some clients could be tough to work with and expect a design that might not come out the way the designer would like to. However, at the end of the day, the client is who decides if the design is good or bad. 

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Childers

    Excellent response. Can you synthesize these thoughts?

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