Homework Assignment: due 10/22

Due: 11:30, Friday, October 22

Objective: Explore the diversity of alignment to a grid structure.
Goal: Examine proportions.


category: type poster 

To Do

    1. analyze
    2. comment


1. analyse: design Influence

Embody the spirit of your designer.

Create a poster that will introduce your design influencer to viewers who are unfamiliar with your designer.

How does your influencer visually express their work?
typeface, structure, etc?


        • Your poster should visually present information that will give the viewer a sense of your designer’s philosophy, history, anecdotes, etc.
                       Look at your designer’s use of typefaces, grid structure, etc.
        • Convey contemporary design. It should not look “retro.”
        • This is not a summary of your research: Make sure that your poster doesn’t look like it could have been created in Word
        • Take advantage of the large size and presentation capacity of the poster format


      1. Decide on the elements you will use in your poster.
      2. Text: Use your design influencers name and quote 
      3. Break text into smaller units to emphasize meaning
      4. Considering the typographic hierarchy of the information,
        appropriate typefaces, and grid.
      5. Use marker on tracing paper that overlays the grid.
        Create 6 different sketches for your poster
        Do NOT center!
      6. Remember the alignment of elements.
        Use the grid to define the placement of your elements.
      7. Note the typefaces and elements used so that you can discuss them in class.
      8. Save as jpg and upload to OpenLab
             category: type poster

Need inspiration: https://www.typographicposters.com/


2 comment: on two different posters


Have they defined the grid?
You should be able to see exactly where the grid lines are located

Have they created hierarchy?

What are they communicating?


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