Jasmin Homework 1: The Change in Photography

Is photography considered art? There are still mixed opinions regarding that question. However, in this 21st century, we can definitely say photography is taking a new turn in society by the way moments are captured and taking something simple as a cup of coffee into something more attention grabbing to followers on social media. Photography is a way to save a memory and look back whenever you’d like and just have flashbacks and just pay attention to every single detail in that photograph. Nowadays selfies have also become some type of way to show/express how we’re feeling. Sometimes we can make a selfie that isn’t that great into something better when tiny parts of the photo are changed such as the color, sharpness, and fade. Photographs are also a way to admire the beauty in somebody such as admiring the color of someone’s eyes. Cindy Sherman is a perfect example of what photography has become to many people showing how we can manipulate so many things in a photograph that can make a whole new creation. When you take a look at her Sherman’s pictures uploaded on Instagram maybe at first glance you think it’s weird or funny how she exaggerates part of the face, but can definitely see what Sherman wants you to focus on the most. Sherman doesn’t just want people to take a look at her pictures she wants people to admire her creation.

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One Response to Jasmin Homework 1: The Change in Photography

  1. Sandra Cheng says:

    You make a very good point about how Sherman manipulates the photograph to draw your attention to specific elements of the photo. This is a strategy done differently by different photographers that you will see over and over in this class.

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