HW 3 – Selene

The use of social media has become the new tendency among every age. Every day we made a post about our daily routine in Instagram, Snapchat or any other social media app. Photos vary from places, activities or food which has become the popular one. Food is exceptional because of the different and colorful ingredients that made a perfect dish or dessert, but also make people have that feeling to share it before enjoying it.

As somebody mention before, I also used to feel bothered by the bad habit of people, who take pictures of everything they eat. However, I was influenced to do it. I’m always taking pictures of everything. I like to share what I see and the way I see it. Therefore, I agree with the fact that a right image needs to have good lighting, detail, can be blurry but the color is the key to catch the eyes of someone who’s looking at your profile.
The photos taken by William Egleston which disturbed some were the starting point of a new meaning of photography. Because photos were used to be about scenes or events that provide a message or feeling toward the viewers. Egleston picture didn’t communicate a message. Mainly because were of objects, moments, just a click of what attracted Eagleton. I think he wasn’t looking for a message or meaning. Instead, he wanted to share what he sees it in color. Remember that even black and white photos were hard to be taken and be considered reasonable. It is the same with Color because get a good photo and make each color become one is difficult. Yes, the color was a significant change in photography because without color we wouldn’t have those fantastic portraits, views, or photos of food that we view every day.
The following photos are a sandwich with cheese, broccoli, and other vegetables and then a bowl of fruit with honey and granola.


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