Monthly Archives: October 2017

Sheena Delos Reyes Homework #2

What I find interesting during the civil war was that the soldiers cooked their food in the battle field as well as drank coffee to energize their body before and after they march. As what have been mentioned in the … Continue reading

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zhiwei lin HW#2: Food and Coffee in the Civil War

For a soldier in the civil war, marched all day in the grueling heat, should be very exhausted. The food is very important to them. Without food and water an army soon disintegrates into nothing more than a lot of … Continue reading

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Ka Yat. HW #2: Food and Coffee in the Civil War

What I found interesting is that the soldiers drank coffee and cooked at the battlefield. Before I read this article, I haven’t thought about that they will carry a cauldron or kitchenware to cook. I think the soldiers in the … Continue reading

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Yashoda. HW#2: Food and Coffee in the Civil War

During the Civil War the soldiers had a basic diet. They were forced to adapt a new way of life, eating and being on the battlefield. The Civil War food  for both the Union and Confederates soldiers was supplied by … Continue reading

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Homework #2

While watching the YouTube video discussing the elements of the hardtack Hardtack, a large thick cracker, made from water salt and flour, a source of nutrition for both the soldiers of the North and the South, many things sparked my interest. … Continue reading

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Jasmin Luna H.W #2: Food and Coffee in the Civil War

What I found interesting and surprising at the same time about the diet Civil war soldiers carried every day was that the essential thing in their diet was mainly coffee. They relied on coffee as a pre and post-war ideal … Continue reading

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Jair Homework #2: Food and Coffee in the Civil War

What’s interesting about the diet of the Civil War soldiers was the fact that they drank coffee just as most of us would do in today’s time (iced coffee for me). The only difference is the knock off coffee the … Continue reading

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Midterm Exam: Short List and Terminology

I have posted the short list for the midterm exam under Class Downloads/Slide Lists. Any image you see on the midterm will be taken from this list. Please take time to review the Exam Format for the midterm. The exam … Continue reading

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HW #2: Food and Coffee in the Civil War

If you had a choice, which would you give up? Food? Or coffee? After looking at photography of the Civil War, we are reminded of the difficulties of producing photographs during war, especially with the wet-plate collodion process. To help … Continue reading

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