Author Archives: Alexander Aptekar


Question: I just want to know how I am going to upload the file for the first assignment. Response: The assignments are in content area of blackboard. If you click on the content area button in blackboard you should be … Continue reading

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New York City maps

Question: I’m having a problem with Tax map. I can’t zoom in to capture the area. could you please recommend me any other cite for maps? Response: There are many maps with scales, the tax map is useful because it … Continue reading

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Viewport scaling

Question: I am confused as to how to do the project and scaling it (site maps) in the 34×22. Response: The scaling exercise consists of two parts, part one uses the reference scale feature to scale an image into model … Continue reading

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assignment 1

Question: I am inquiring on today’s lesson and what the exact instructions are for the assignment? Per our discussion in class of added more details on the assignment to the OpenLab, please refer to this page: A01 Assignment. Question: From … Continue reading

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Scaling in AutoCAD

Question: I am having some trouble tracing to scale in auto CAD. I was wondering if we had to trace to scale?, and what scale to make the trace? Good questions; Just start tracing your assigned floor, focus on the … Continue reading

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BT2 Survey and Assignment

Survey and Assignment Link

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Question: I wanted to ask if this seems right? It is 14” as you told me it would be but It seems small to me. The space is small. Response: Are you talking about the cantilever dormer? You are welcome … Continue reading

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Question: I just want to make sure what we are going to pin up for next class (3/18 or 3/19). If it is only the Footings & structural basement plan. Response: The pinup should consist of two pages: one page … Continue reading

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scaling the pdfs

Question: I am having a really hard time scaling the pdfs in the paper space I scale the photos to the right height in the model mode using the scale bar at the bottom of each of the maps and … Continue reading

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Plotting PDF

Professor I’m having trouble making my PDF, I can’t see some of my work and I also I can’t see part of the title block information. I don’t know why I checked many times to see what’s wrong it and … Continue reading

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