1/3 Of Mice and Men

I’m no stranger to Steinbeck having read  The Pearl and Grapes of Wrath. With my own brand of confidence I felt like I knew what to expect until I read Mcitowicki’s post and the ending was revealed. Now, I’m in a frantic rush to get to the ending. Instead of wondering where this story is going, I’m wondering how it got to that point.

  1. What happened in the middle?
  2. How could things have turned out so badly?
  3. What could Lennie have done to deserve that?

These are the primary questions I want answered. Steinbeck’s characters always seem to have the best intentions but nothing ever goes to plan which brings back the point of the title and the poem To A Mouse, Burn.

“The best laid schemes of mice and men
Go often awry,”Burns.


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