Prof. Mary Brown | COMD 1162 - E058 | Spring 2024

13 Discussion

Each week you will need to respond to two questions posted. Your response should be a minimum of 300 words for both questions. You should also include at least one response to your fellow students. The responses are a requirement for participation part of your grade.

Question 01 –

Why would you use a mask in Photoshop?

Question 02 –

If you make a mistake with the brush on the mask, what can you do?


  1. Enson Zhou

    1. The purpose of the mask is to allow to user to work on one section of image without affecting the other sections. For example if the sky if too bright on a photo, the user can select the sky and create a mask. This allows the user to adjust the brightness of the sky and not affect the whole image.
    2. If you make a mistake with the brush on a mask you can simply fix it. All you have to do is select the Minus or plus sign on the top of the screen. This allows you to add or reduce to the mask that you have created.
    • Kayla Martinez

      Masks in Photoshop are incredibly important to preserve the quality of the original image. It is a non-destructive method. Masks help with editing specific parts of an image while leaving other areas untouched. For example, you can adjust the exposure of the sky without affecting the subject. Masks also give you control over the visibility of different layers. You can reveal or hide portions of a layer without permanently deleting any pixels. When combining multiple images or elements, masks help blend them seamlessly by selectively revealing or concealing parts of each layer.

      The easiest way to undo a mistake on anything is Command/Ctrl Z. You may also use the brush tool. I like using this way because it allows you easily to paint over the mistake to correct it. You can switch the brush color to the opposite (black if you were using white, or white if you were using black).  This will either reveal or conceal the area you didn’t intend to edit. 

    • Kayla Martinez

      Hey Enson!

      I completely agree. No mistake is permanent in any Adobe application. Another way to undo a mistake is to go into your history panel and click on the last function used before making the mistake.

    • Tyheim

      I didn’t know about the minus and plus sign option, that’s actually very helpful.

  2. Hilairyy

    I would you use a mask in photoshop to allow the person to work on one area of picture without it influencing the other areas. Also masks help to edit specific parts of the picture and change it to how you want it. For example, you can adjust the brightness of the sun without affecting the main subject. Masks also gives you power over how much you can see the different layers.If I make a mistake with the brush on the mask, the easiest way to fix the mistake is to use the brush tool.This allows you to reduce and add to the mask that you have made a mistake on, this leave you with an easy fix

  3. Jewel N.

    When working in photoshop, you would use a mask to single out the item that you are working on in order to edit it. When using a mask it allows you to keep the original image untouched.If there is a mistake made with a brush on the mask, you can add or reduce what you’ve edited within the mask.

  4. Tyheim

    The purpose of a mask is similar to the purpose of a layer which is to work on different portions of your artwork, image, etc. But the mask can be used more in depth more on specific parts of an image. A mask also doesn’t cause any damage or mistakes within the image and even with the opacity.

    Now if you make a mistake with the brush on the mask, you can simply fix that just by pressing control or command z. Or just simply deleting the mask and create an new one.

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