Prof. Mary Brown | COMD 1162 - E058 | Spring 2024

04 Discussion

Each week you will need to respond to two questions posted. Your response should be a minimum of 300 words for both questions. You should also include at least one response to your fellow students. The responses are a requirement for participation part of your grade.

Question 01 –

If you want to make lines that go straight from one point to another what are somethings you do?

Question 02 –

What tool in Illustrator can change a straight line anchor point to a bezier curve?


  1. Esther

    To create straight lines from one point to another, select the Pen Tool from the toolbar on the left hand side or press “P” on the keyboard as a shortcut. Then, click on any area to make it your starting point, and make a desired endpoint. While making straight lines, you can hold down the shift key to make sure the lines go perfect in a straight path, horizontal path, vertical, and even at a angle. Releasing the mouse button will finalize the line.

    To change a straight line to a bezier curve, select the “convert anchor point” from the Pen toolbar. Or you can press shift+c to go through the different pen options. Then click on a straight anchor point of your choice that you want to convert. Doing this will convert the segment connected to that specific anchor point into a curved segment. After clicking, two direction handles will appear. You can be able to adjust these handles to control the curve of the segment. Then drag the handles to adjust the curve of your desire. Finally, release the mouse button.

    • Kayla Martinez

      Hey Esther! I agree and I completely forgot to mention the shift key, but I think it is important that you added that because it can create a cleaner, straighter line or shape for any design. And as we get more technical with designing, the shift button is going to be our best friend.

  2. Kayla Martinez

    You can create a straight line in Illustrator in two ways. First, find your pen tool in the left tools panel or press the letter P. Once you see your pen tool, you may click anywhere on the page to create an anchor point, this allows you to have a point of reference to draw your shape or line. Once you have your anchor point, drag your mouse straight horizontally, or straight vertically and once you have the length of choice, click down and create another anchor point. The second way you can create a straight line is simply using the line segment tool in the tools panel. It is located underneath the curvature pen tool. The line segment tool appears as a target symbol, which helps accuracy when creating a straight line. 

    To change a straight line into a bezier curve you need to use the pen tool that has a little tail connected to the tip. This curved pen tool allows you to make anchor points that create a rounded line by clicking and dragging. You may also create a straight line by double-clicking on any anchor point. 

    • Marharyta

      Hey, Kayla! Thank you for describing so easily how to change curved points to anchor points. Our way is one of the best to convert points to edit path.

  3. Jewel N.

    If you wanted to make lines that go from one point to another, you’d use the pen tool all while holding the shift button to assure that the line is straight. Another way you can make a straight line is also while using the line tool and hold shift once more to make sure that the line is straight.

    In illustrator to change a straight line anchor point to a BĂ©zier curve, by using the pen tool and clicking/dragging the point until you create the designated curve.

    • Stevie Zamora

      Hi Jewel! Thanks for including the line segment tool. It was interesting to play around with the anchor points of “pre-made” shapes as well as ones created with the pen tool. One good part of the pen tool on Illustrator is that you actually don’t need to hold shift while making another anchor point because the line will be automatically straight. I would be careful about using your pen tool directly on an anchor point to change a corner into a curve because it is likely you will create a new anchor point or delete one.

    • Tyheim

      Hello Jewel, I 100% agree with you about using the pen tool to change a straight line into a Bezier curve.

  4. Wasik Chowdhoury

    The curve tool is the object to make curve lines such as circle because it is very different from the actual pen tool. if you want to make a circle in illustrator without the shapes, you can create a circle using the curve tool.

    You can make a straight line by using the shift key either if you created a line in illustrator, you might move the mouse freely. other people might experience that while they are creating stuff on illustrator.

  5. Stevie Zamora

    In order to draw a straight line between two points in Adobe Illustrator, you can use the pencil or pen tool or apply a brushstroke to achieve more precise or handmade results . With the Pencil tool (shortcut N or select the pencil icon in the left-hand toolbar), hold down Alt or Option and drag to create a straight line at any angle. Alternatively, you can use the Pen tool (shortcut: P or click the pen tool icon in the left-hand toolbar) to create a straight line by single-clicking where you want the line to start and then single-clicking again where you want it to end. Furthermore, after creating the straight line with any tool, you can apply a brush stroke to the path to achieve the desired effect. While the Brush tool in Illustrator may not directly draw a straight line between two points like in Photoshop, utilizing the Pencil or Pen tool allows for precise straight-line creation with various angles and options for customization.

    To change a straight line anchor point to a Bezier curve in Adobe Illustrator, you can use the Convert Anchor Point tool. First, choose the Anchor Point tool from the vertical left-hand toolbar in the workspace or use the shortcut Shift + C. Then, click on the straight anchor point you want to convert to a curve. This action will convert the straight line into a Bezier curve, allowing you to adjust the curve handles to modify the shape. With the anchor point selected, you can also find a Convert option in the properties panel. By using the Anchor Point tool in Illustrator, you can easily transition a straight line anchor point into a Bezier curve, giving you more control over the shape and curvature of your paths.

    • Marharyta

      Hi, Steve! I love how you described pen tool and how to edit anchor points. I believe that the Pen tool is one of the most tool in Adobe Illustrator. This tool gives you ability to create different types of shapes or lines, which can make an amazing illustration.

  6. Marharyta

    1. To create a straight or curved lines in Adobe Illustrator, you need to click ”P” on your keyboard or go to the tool bar and find Pen tool. After than you need to start drawing the line on your art board or work area. Your lines will have anchor points and lines. To make a straight line press also Shift (while you draw line).
    2. If you need to change straight line to a Bezier line go to the tool bar and click on Pen tool, there you can choose different options of this tool, click on the Anchor point one. After that you can start to work, go to the point which you want to change to the curve and click on that point. Now you have curve, which you can modify as you want. Also you can convert your points in Properties panel or click Shift+C to open Anchor point tool and then edit your curves as you desire.
  7. Enson Zhou

    A. To create a straight line in illustrator, you have many different methods. The first, you can use the line segment tool. Once you have enabled the line segment tool , you can drag and click from one end to the other end. The result will be a straight line. You can also use the pen tool. Instead of having to drag the line segment, click on the start point and then click on the end point. The result will be a straight line.

    B. You can also create a curved line from a straight line. All you have to do is select the line segment and then go to the properties panel. This panel is located on the right hand side of the screen. Then scroll down to Convert and select the curved line segement. The result will be a curved line segment.

  8. Alaiza elsi

    When creating a straight line from one point to another with the pen tool first you’d place your first point on the board and once you’ve chosen where you’re going to put this point you double click to change the line type. Once you’ve done that holding down the control key/tool that will force the line you make to remain straight once you’ve done that you click where you want your line to end and that’s it.

    the direct selection tool can do this. By selecting a part of the line that already exists you can manipulate the line from that point. You could change the type of line (whether it’s curvy or straight). The distance from one end of the line to the point you created and much more. But that’s how I would my lines anchor points in Illustrator

  9. Hilairyy

    If you want to make lines that go straight from one point to another somethings you could do is use the line segment tool and drag and click to create the line, you could also use the pen tool to create a line by using the pen to you were able to click where you want the line to start and end and create the line easily. When using shifts, you can keep lines angle straight.

    Tools in Illustrator that can change a straight line anchor point to a BĂ©zier curve is the direct selection to by using the direct selection you are able to adjust anchor points from being curved or straight.You are also able to use the properties panel to adjust certain anchor points, remove anchor points, add anchor points, and change the curve or angle of a line.

  10. Tyheim

    To make lines that go straight from one point to another you can use tools from the left side tool bar like the line segment tool, pencil tool if that is skillful, or even the pen tool. Line segment tool you just have to click from one point in one direction toward another direction. For the pencil tool you just got to draw it like a real life pencil. The pen tool is the same as the line segment tool but you just have to adjust the line to be straight.

    Now to change a straight line anchor point to a Bezier curve you would just have to use tools like the pen tool and curvature tool. Then manipulate the direction of the line by clicking from one direction towards another. It’s pretty simple to do, and again if your skilled or not and want to try something different you can use the pencil tool to create the curve itself.

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