Prof. Mary Brown | COMD 1162 - E058 | Spring 2024

02 Discussion

Each week you will need to respond to two questions posted. Your response should be a minimum of 300 words for both questions. You should also include at least one response to your fellow students. The responses are a requirement for participation part of your grade.

Question 01 –

How do you fill a shape and a stroke with different colors?

Question 02 –

Describe the way to create a dashed line in Illustrator?


  1. Stevie Zamora

    To fill a shape with different colors and/or adjust the stroke first select the shape with either the selection or direct selection tool. Then the properties panel on the right will display Fill and Stroke under Appearance. The color selected for Fill will literally fill in the shape while color selected for Stroke will change the outline of the shape. When using the Essentials Classic, the toolbar at the top will also display the fill and stroke color boxes that will also transform the fill and/or stroke of a shape while it is selected. The shape builder tool can also be used to fill shapes as well as the eye dropper tool when the shape is selected.

    To create a dashed line in Illustrator first select the shape or line. Then open the stroke window by clicking the three lines next to the properties panel or clicking Window and then Stroke. Click the three lines on the upper right corner of the window and then click Show Options. Finally, click the Dashed Line box and adjust the dash, gap, weight, arrowheads, and line behavior to any specifications.

    • Stevie Zamora

      *** The eye dropper tool will also change stroke as well.

      • Esther

        I completely agree with your statement. Using the eye dropper tool is also another easy way to change the stroke.

      • Tyheim

        I also agree the eye dropper tool makes things easier and make you keep track of your color.

    • Kayla Martinez

      I agree, Stevie! You have super a comprehensive response — I completely missed that we can use the menu bar at the top of our screen as an option. This option is really helpful because the top bar is always showing, making the workspace efficient. Sometimes with the panels, you have to “Show Options” because certain tools are hidden within the workspace.

  2. Kayla Martinez

    In Illustrator or any Adobe application, you must select a shape or stroke with the selection tool. It is located in the upper left corner of the toolbar (the keyboard shortcut is the letter “v”).  Then you will see, (at the bottom left of the toolbar) a square and a frame-looking shape which represents the shape and stroke. You may toggle through which you want to work on first by pressing the double-sided arrow. Also, the color swatches and a color wheel are in the top right corner (to the left of the properties panel) where you can explore different hues of color. So, simply select the shape, and then find a color that works best for your design. 

    To create a dashed line first, you have to select the shape stroke that you want to alter. You may change the width of the existing stroke at the top of the workspace where it says “Stroke ↕ pt”. After you need to find the stroke panel, which is under the color guide, and to the left of the properties panel. Then you need to check the box that says “Dashed Line.” This will allow you to play around and change the dash size and the gap size. A dash size of 20pts & a gap size of 4pts will make the dashes long and close VS. A dash size of 5pts & a gap size of 15pts will make the dashes shorter and further apart. 

    • Jewel N.

      Hi kayla,

      Great explanation!

  3. Wasik

    In Illustrator, you are supposed to create a shape at any size and form. If you already created your shape, after that you can add any color from the swatches. Just like the shape, The strokes is also the same but for your choice you don’t have to put strokes and you can leave it at zero and there would be a red das shown at the stroke selection when there is no strokes on a shape. But if you want the stroke to be shown, then you can increase by pressing the up button and then change the color.

    If you want to create a dashed line in Illustrator, then you should go to the dash on the left side of the toolbar. If you want to change your line, then you should choose dash selection and click on the dash version that you actually want.

    • Artiste

      Hey Wasik! Do you think you could explain how to create the dashed lines in Illustrator? I tried to follow your steps, but couldn’t follow along to get the dashed lines. Did you mean to select the line tool first?

  4. Marharyta

    To fill any shape with any color in Adobe Illustrator you need to select rectangle tool (M) (or any tool which can make a shape like ellipse (E), polygon or star). Then, if you use workspace, which called “Essentials Classic” you will see the menu on the top of your workspace, where on the right corner you can see two squares (color fill and stroke), where you can choose colors from different pallets or any color, which you desire. Another way is look on the bottom of tool bar (which located on the left side of your screen) there is also 2 squares (color fill and stroke), where you can change colors. If you want to choose color for your shape, which you already used. You need to select your object (v) or use selection tool, then click “i” (eyedropper tool) and it will copy style of another shape to your selection.

    For making dash line you need to create or select your line, then look on the top of your workspace, and right next from the color and stroke fill you will see “stroke”, which is also underlined, click on that, and you can see the whole menu, where you can edit your stroke/ line. Check the box “dashed line” and edit your dash/gap as you want.

    • Stevie Zamora

      Hi Marharyta! I completely agree with your response. Thank you for including the shortcuts and the eyedropper tool as other options. I had forgotten to include the two squares on the bottom left of the tool bar as another possible location to change fill and stroke selections. This can also be set with the shortcut “X”.

  5. Artiste

    To fill a shape and apply a stroke with different colors in Illustrator, first create a shape using the rectangle tool or use the keyboard shortcut “M”. If you want any other shape than the one that is selected, click and hold the rectangle and other shapes you can choose from will appear. Select the shape you’ve created with your selection tool. You can either select this tool from the tool bar or use the keyboard shortcut “V”—this tool look like a hollow arrow or cursor. You have several ways of filling your shape and applying a stroke to it. If you look at the bottom of your tool bar there are two squares, a filled one and a hollow one, this is your fill and stroke tool. If you don’t want to use the keyboard shortcut, you can double click the tool and the color picker dialog box will prompt you to choose a color. Depending on whether you’ve double clicked the filled square or hollow one, will determine which element you’re altering. Working in the “Essentials Classic” Workspace will give you another option of choosing the colors for the fill and stroke individually found at the top of your workspace. Here is where you can also thicken and transform the stroke on your chosen shape.

    To create a dashed line in Illustrator, first select your line tool and create a regular line. Your line tool can also be accessed with the keyboard shortcut “\” (forward slash). Looking back up at the top of the workspace, find the underlined word “Stroke”. You can also change the thickness of your line here as well. Select the word “Stroke” and find where it says, “Dashed Line”. Check the box next to it and it will turn your regular line into a dashed one.

  6. Enson Zhou

    To be able to fill a fill or a stroke, there must first be a shape on the artboard. Once there is a shape or object, you can use the selection tool and select the object that you want to modify. After, selecting a shape a blue premiter will show up around the shape, that is how you know which shape is currently selected. Next, go to the right panel and scroll until you see the Apperance section. In the section, go to fill and click on the square right next to it. A pop up will appear and that will allow you to change colors. The same can be done to stroke.

    To create a dashed line, you must first create a shape. Once a shape is created, use the selection tool to select the shape that you have just created. Again,a blue outline will appear around the shape. Then go back to the right panel and look for the stroke section. Click on the word stroke and a window will pop up. Here you can check the box for dashed line.

  7. Esther

    To be able to fill a shape or stroke, you have to first use the shape tool to create a shape of your desire. This can either be a rectangle, square, eclipse, etc. Secondly, click on the shape using the selection tool. After you have selected your shape, in the toolbar menu on the right corner or color panel, choose the fill color you want for your shape. Either in the toolbar menu or color pane, you can be able to choose the stroke color you want for the shapes outline. It is optional to adjust the stroke (weight=thickness), type of stroke (solid, dashed, etc), and other properties. With your shape still selected, hover over to the object menu and then select “outline stroke” in a separate object that you can be able to fill. With the newly created stroke object selected, choose a fill color from either the color panel or toolbar menu to fill the stroke with a different color than the shapes fill. Lastly, adjust as need.

    To create a dashed line, select the line tool and create a path of your line. It is optional to make your line straight while holding right mouse button and the shift key, then letting go of the mouse button first then shift. Head over to the Window menu , then look for something that says “Stroke”. Select it, and it will open up the Stroke panel. You can be able to adjust the weight (thickness) of the line if need be. You should also be able to see in the Stroke panel, an option that is labeled “type”. Select it and you should be able to view on something that says “dashed line”.

  8. Jewel N.

    In illustrator, to fill in a shape, you must first pick a shape design tool, once the shape has been selected you then have the option to change its color/stroke color in the tool selection tab. Once the colors are selected you can then proceed to create your shape with beautiful colors. Also in illustrator, to create a dashed line you pick on the line tool and create the path for the line, while holding down on the shift key to help you keep the line straight while dragging the cursor to where you want the line. once completed, you can select the stroke key and adjust the line type, and select the dashed line option.

  9. Alaiza elsi

    I work with illustrator on my iPad but it’s essentially the same way as the rest of you all. To fill a shape with any color of my choice I select the shape in question. Go to the properties tab and choose “fill color” this changes the inner color of the shape. I believe that in the properties tab one can also find the option to make the shape out of dashed lines. So both of these actions can be done in the properties tab

  10. Melanie

    to fill in a shape or a stroke with color you must select a color from the color panel, or from the swatches panel or control panel. double click the stroke panel or color panel to select a color using the color picker. black is the automatic color it starts with so you can simply just make a stroke. Make sure the shape is selected before changing the color or you can set the color before creating the shape.

    when creating a dashed line you have to select the line tool while also holding down on the shift key to keep your lines straight. after you can select the stroke key to adjust the line and select the dashed line option.

  11. Tyheim

    To fill a shape and a stroke with different colors whether your on photoshop or illustrator, you will need to first go and click on the shape or stroke image or illustration on your screen. Once you’ve done that direct your mouse towards the shape and stroke tool that looks like two boxes one should have color and one shouldn’t depending on how it is presented already. Either way one box changes the stroke color and the other changes the shape color. After clicking the boxes of your choice, you will now have the option of choosing whatever color you want.

    To create a dashed line in illustrator you would just need to go to the tool bar and right click on the shape tool. Doing this should give you a list of options like other shapes and a dashed line. You will click on that dashed line which is called the line segment tool. One you have done this you should be able to create a dashed line on your artboard just by manipulating your mouse or stylus in a way that would create a dashed line.

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