Prof. Mary Brown | COMD 1162 - E058 | Spring 2024

Discussion: Introductions

Add a comment to this post introducing yourself to the class. You could include your academic interests, why you chose your major, what you enjoy reading, listening to, watching, and doing in your spare time, or anything else you want to share (include your pronouns, if you wish).

Please take a few minutes and add your introduction by the end today’s class . It should be between 250 -300 words.

Before the next class, read the comments and get to know your classmates! 

For extra credit, reply to one of your classmates’ comments. Do you have something in common? Did you learn something? Be kind.


  1. Wasik

    The reason that I chose COMD major is, that I want to be more creative on my design and especially enter a automobile industry and work there

    • Wasik

      In fact. I like watching DC Comics Movies and playing Zelda.

  2. Tyheim

    My name is Tyheim Martin, my major is Communication Design. I chose this major because I always have a passion for Art especially illustration. I enjoy reading manga/comics, I love practicing MMA and love watching UFC.

    • Prof. Mary Brown

      Hi Tyheim, welcome to the class and I hope course is enjoyable and informative.

  3. Kayla Martinez

    My name is Kayla Martinez! I am a transfer student from FIT where I studied Fashion Business. After figuring out that that wasn’t my passion I took time away from school. A year later, I chose Communication Design because I am interested in Art Direction/Creative Direction. I thought honing in on graphic design skills could be an avenue to get there, so here we are. I also love yoga and watching reality TV with a bowl of ice cream 🙂

    • Jewel N.

      Hi Kayla! I love that you studied fashion business, I think thats super cool. I’m glad you’re embracing the change to graphic design. I to enjoy watching reality TV, hopefully we can chitchat about that in the future.

    • Wasik

      Hello Kayla. I am very glad that you changed your major from FIT to COMD. I liked how you joined the creativity. Speaking of creativity, I see that you are interested in yoga. Could you explain your interest in how you joined the graphic design as your switched major and explain little bit about yoga.

    • Prof. Mary Brown

      Hi Kayla, welcome to the class. I hope you find this course to be enjoyable and informative. Sometimes to get what we want we have to make a change. I was once a student who switched majors. I was studying art at Lehman College but couldn’t figure out how I would make a living painting and drawing. I didn’t want to be a starving artist. So I decided to switch my major and transferred to FIT and to get my degree in Advertising Design. It turned out to be a great discussion for me. Good luck with semester.

  4. Jada Metivier

    I chose Communication Design as my major because I enjoy drawing, although I would like to brush up more on my drawing skills. Furthermore, I would like to have a career in digital animation.

    • Jada

      I also wanted to add on to my recent post: In my free time, I enjoy gaming, watching anime and horror/thriller movies, spending time with my cat Bella, and listening to music. Pronouns aren’t a big thing for me, but if you may know , I go by they/them.

    • Tyheim

      Yeah I also chose this major to get more in dept in my drawing skills and in animation career field.

      • Esther

        hey Tyheim! What made you want to pursue animation as a career? For me, I was always into gaming and was interested in how animators came up with the idea of their characters, how they designed them, etc.

    • Prof. Mary Brown

      Welcome to the class Jada. I hope the class is enjoyable and informative for you. Do you have a favorite horror movie?

  5. Melanie

    My name is Melanie! And I chose communication designs as my major because I felt I was pretty decent when it came to art and digital design so why not continue to pursue it and get better. Some of the things I enjoy doing in my spare time is to listen to some music and find new interesting shows to watch like maybe an anime or a good comedy movie. 

    • Prof. Mary Brown

      Hi Melanie, welcome to the class. I hope you enjoy the class and find it informative. Do you have a favorite comedy movie?

  6. Stevie Zamora

    Hi I’m Stevie! I was born and raised in Southern California, and I lived in LA and Miami before moving to New York City a few years ago. I chose to major in Communication Design at City Tech because the curriculum would allow me to develop my photography skills while preparing for a career in UX/UI design. I have a huge passion for all art and design, but I especially love fashion photography and my favorite photographer is Steven Meisel. My favorite author is currently Gary Indiana and I am excited to watch the films presented by Dweller, a festival that celebrates the Black roots of electronic dance music, on Criterion. Going out dancing is a very important ritual for me and my friends and I love how NYC DJs mix electronic music with the sounds of various diasporas. In my free time I am going to galleries and museums, walking around a park with my film camera, vintage shopping, trying out a new restaurant, seeing an old movie, and looking at photography and art books. While I don’t have guilty pleasures, The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City and Potomac are my favorite forms of “low” culture although I personally consider these women avant-garde clowns.

    I have used online resources to learn how to use Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop in the past, but I would still consider myself a beginner and I look forward to learning about these programs in more detail. Album art and party flyers are major sources of inspiration for me in terms of graphic design so I hope to be able to create similar designs that inspire others as well.

    • Esther

      Hey Stevie, what type of designs do you like to create? I’m a fan of abstract art, as well as others !

    • Prof. Mary Brown

      Hi Stevie, welcome to the class. I hope it’s enjoyable and informative for you. When I was a student at FIT we visited CBS Records and spoke with the designer Paula Scher (look her up if you haven’t heard of her.) From that point on I wanted to do album cover art. Back then album covers were 12″ x 12″ which was a larger area than CD covers and the designers really created art. I never got to work for a record company but ended up in magazine publishing instead, which turned out to be some fun times and a great learning experience.

  7. Osato Osarenkhoe

    the reason why i chose this coruse is because i want to have a better knowledge and understanding of what the course entails as well as understanding the fundamentals how how designing works

    • Marharyta

      Nice to meet you Osato! I think that this course will give a good technical overview of Adobe programs like Illustrator and Photoshop, which are necessary for graphic design. I would also recommend you to take Type and Media class, which is also base of graphic design and helps you to use in your works.

  8. Jewel N.

    Hi everyone! Im Jewel, i’m a communications design major. I chose this major in 2017 when I began working towards a degree, at the time I had a strong interest in becoming a Journalist but I learned that I actually like doing graphic design. I’m born and raised in New York. I chose this course to better learn all these different programs to help me better my skills.

    • Stevie Zamora

      Hi Jewel,

      I was also a student journalist when I was introduced to Adobe InDesign which eventually led to my position as design editor. I have found that this background has strengthened my research, interview, and communication skills in order to create more user-centered designs and communicate my decisions with other designers and stakeholders more effectively. I hope we both get to improve our design skills in this class!

  9. Artiste

    Hi my name is Amanda, but I prefer to be called Artiste (Ar-teeste)! I use she/they pronouns. I’m a transfer student, so this is my first semester at City Tech. I’ve been through some other majors like Biology and Computer Science, and didn’t really enjoy studying them. I enjoy watching videos about philosophy and listening to podcasts/educational videos about health and wellness. Outside of school, I work with kids and I’m also a personal trainer/coach in track & field. I chose Communication Design because I feel like I’m a pretty well rounded person. I felt like it’d bridge my interests between the arts and technology while also improving my communication skills, something I’m very adamant on improving throughout life. To say I’m excited for this semester, and future ones, would be an understatement. Generally, I’m concerned with how the mind and body interact with each other when we move/workout. I’m especially passionate about foot health, the nervous system, posture and how they correlate with one another (the entire body is connected more than you think!). I hope to take the skills i learn here and apply it to my dream of designing stylish & minimalist footwear or be involved in that process in some way.

    • Alaiza elsi

      Hi Artiste!

      I love your name by the way. It’s such a pretty name. I’m also studying communication design! I think the way your interest in the body and health, and the arts combined and your goal of designing footwear is so dope! Best of luck in that endeavor.

    • Kayla Martinez

      Hey Artiste! I also really love podcasts my favorite right now is Diary of a CEO. Steven Barlett (the host) brings on incredible doctors, athletes, psychologists and more to discuss a variety of things. My favorite is with Dr. Joe Dispenza — I feel like you would particularly enjoy this one because Dr. Joe Dizpensa explores the link between science and spirituality. Similar to the way you’ve linked the arts and technology!!

  10. Hilairyy

    Hi my name is Hilairy, my pronouns are she/her, and I currently have a graphic design major. I’ve had experience with graphic design in the past where I’ve interned as a graphic designer and learned to create business cards, posters, and postcards which influenced my interest with graphic design. I enjoy painting, drawing and listening to music. In my free time I like to visit art galleries in Manhattan. I’ve been to several art galleries that have inspired me to continue to paint. I’ve become familiar with several Adobe platforms in the past two years however I still have a lot of things to learn when it comes to graphic design. This is currently my second semester at city tech. I’d like to build my portfolio more than transfer to fit. So far I enjoy each class I’ve taken at city tech and have learned many new skills. I’ve taken types and media where I’ve learned more about vectoring . I am not very familiar with rasters however I look forward to learning more about it. I find art very interesting and unique. I enjoy art that is controversial and will cause me to ask a lot of questions behind it. I am very  intrigued by design and art in general! Besides art I enjoy writing poems and reading poems. I am also interested in fashion and I enjoy thrifting, as well as going on long walks and just listening to music.

    • Artiste

      Hey Hilairy! What’s your sign? I also love long walks and thrifting, they’re like free therapy sometimes. What was your favorite art gallery that you’ve been to? I hope you get to build your portfolio in the ways you wish and get into FIT! Best of luck this semester!

      • Hilairyy

        Hey Artiste, I love how unique your name is by the way and my sign is a Taurus. My favorite gallery currently would probably be pace gallery at the moment. Good luck to you as well with designing stylish & minimalist footwear, I hope you’re able to reach all of your goals!

  11. Enson Zhou

    Hello! My name is Enson. I am a senior and this is my last semester at City Tech. My major is Entertainment Technology, so I am taking this course as an elective. I also have a deep passion for Photography. I took the COMD Photography last semester and it was a blast, I would highly recommend taking that class. I taught myself how to use a camera years ago and now I slowly have developed my skills and creative mind. I photograph a wide range of genres, which include Landscapes, Portaits, Events,etc.. Currently, I am focusing on attaining a New York State Press Pass, which will give me access to avoid the crowds during parades and events. Although, pursing to be a full time Photographer sounds fun, I have a bigger desire to be a Audio Engineer for concerts. Some artists that I dream of working with is Bruno Mars, Olivia Rodrigo, Taylor Swift, Harry Styles, Etc… But until then, I continue building my skills.

    • Marharyta

      Nice to meet you Enson! I’m also taking Photography class, I did not expect that I would be excited about this class, but photography impressed me this semester. I agree and I would also recommend this course, because this class gives a lot of theory and funny practice, I really like to see photos of my classmates it’s so cool.

  12. Alaiza elsi

    Hi everyone! 😀 My name’s Alaiza. Like Eliza but with an “A” instead of an E. I go by she/her pronouns. I’m a second year student here at City Tech and I’m majoring in Communication design. I’m working to become a professional animator/ cartoonist and my ultimate career goal is to work alongside my favorite media companies like Nintendo, Nickelodeon, Disney or Cartoon Network, and ultimately create my own show. As a hobby I love drawing, writing, playing videos games and watching cartoons. Cartoons are my biggest passion in life. They’ve inspired me so much in my career choice. Some of my favorite shows and characters are the Mickey Mouse series, SpongeBob SquarePants and my all time favorite show is a Disney show called Wander over Yonder. It’s definitely on the sappier side of things but it’s a wholesome and really fun watch. I love drawing and getting my ideas onto paper. Im hoping taking this course will help me understand what’s best for my art and help me build up my skills with adobe programs. It’s a pleasure getting to meet and take this course with all of you!

  13. Marharyta

    Hi, everyone! My name is Marharyta (Margo). I moved from Kyiv, Ukraine to NYC in the end of 2022. I’m 22 years old, and started to learn graphic design 2 years ago. Now I’m working in printing company as social media manager, but I’m also help graphic designer with preparing files for printing, such as stickers, window or wall decals, posters or banners. Unfortunately 2 years ago I had to take an academic leave, but I took online courses of Figma, Photoshop and Illustrator, which I found on internet. Now I really like to do video editing and I’m learning Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects. My boss used to work on commercial videos, so he shares his experience with me, and also I watch YouTube courses and tutorials, which help me to understand these programs. Unfortunately, I don’t have an exact plan for my future career yet, but now I’m doing what I like and try to get as much experience as possible. I’m really enjoying my classes at CityTech, and I think that this degree will give a good start and base for my career in the future.

    • Wasik

      Hello Margot. I had a High School math teacher who was also from Ukraine. I still miss my math teacher after I graduated from High School.

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