This project is due after spring break. So please make time some time to complete it along with Project #1 if you still haven’t completed it. Review Class 10 to get information that will help you complete Project #2.

All work should be submitted by 11:30pm the day before class.

  • Create a composite using a MINIMUM of 2 photographs. Your creativity will be part of your grade along with technique.
  • The composite can be something that is fantastical, mystical, or more realistic.
  • Size: 8.5in x 11in at 300ppi resolution (portrait or landscape)
  • Due: April 19th
  • When selecting and evaluating your photos, consider all the things we reviewed in class.
  • You will use layers, layer masks, adjustment layers, blending modes
  • See the resources section below for a list of sites that offer free stock photos. You may take your own photos, if you choose.
  • Each file should be saved according to the following naming convention. i.e., 10_LastName_composite.psd (Photoshop). The file is saved with ALL your working layers.
  • Upload your finished .PSD image, with it’s layers, in the Google Drive folder.

Project #1 – MidTerm Project (now with late penalty)

If you did not submit your midterm project on 3/22, it is now late and will incur a late penalty of 5% off your grade. If you don’t submit it at all you will receive a grade of “0”, so take time to get it done during the break.

  • Find a Disney poster online that you will copy by tracing. Try not to select a post that is too complicated. Your finished poster will conclude the type also.
  • Create an 11 x 17 Tabloid File.
  • Open the rulers (view > Rulers > Show Rulers) and drag a half-inch border all around the edges as a guide. Select three images from Google of a Disney Poster.
  • Prepare the file to draw, using the image as a template.
    Using the template, start to draw shapes and then fill in colors in shaped areas. You will need to use layers to keep everything organized.
  • Save your file according to the following naming convention — (Illustrator file). Your file should still have the layers when you submit it, so I can see. how you built the file.
  • Upload the finished file to Google Drive.
  • Review Class 7 for information that will help you with this project.