Mary Brown | COMD 1162 - E058 | Fall 2023

10 Discussion

Each week you will need to respond to two questions posted. Your response should be a minimum of 300 words for both questions. You should also include at least one response to your fellow students. The responses are a requirement for participation part of your grade.

Question 01 –

What is an adjustment layer? Describe how it is created.

Question 02 –

How do you make that adjustment only apply to the layer beneath it and what is that know as?


  1. Karen Alarcon

    1. An adjustment layer is a special type of layer in graphic design and image editing software, such as Adobe Photoshop. It allows the ability to apply adjustments, like brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, and more, to the layers beneath it without directly changing the original pixel data of those layers. This non-destructive editing technique is widely used in professional image editing workflows.To create an adjustment layer, first, click on the “New Adjustment Layer” icon at the bottom of the Layers panel that looks like a half-filled circle. Then, select the type of adjustment you want to apply, such as brightness/contrast, hue/saturation, or levels. This process might vary slightly, but generally, there will be an option to create a new adjustment layer within the layers menu or panel. You can then choose the specific adjustment you want to apply. Once the adjustment layer is created, settings can be modified to change the appearance of the layers below it. This method preserves the original image data and allows you to experiment with different adjustments without permanently altering the original image.
    2. The adjustment layer applies its effects only to the specific layer or layers beneath it through a process called “Clipping mask” or “Clipping group” in Photoshop and similar software. To create the Adjustment Layer, first, create the adjustment layer as mentioned in the previous response. Then, to apply Clipping Mask, make the adjustment layer affect only the layer directly beneath it, position the cursor between the adjustment layer and the layer that you want to affect. Press and hold the Alt key (Option key on Mac) and click on the line between the two layers in the Layers panel. This action creates a clipping mask.This adjustment layer will only impact the layer it’s clipped to, and it won’t affect other layers in the document. This technique is useful for targeted and non-destructive editing.
  2. Salma Sherif

    1. An adjustment layer in graphic design or image editing is a non-destructive tool that alters the appearance of layers beneath it without changing their original content. It allows for flexible and reversible adjustments, such as color correction or contrast enhancement. To create an adjustment layer, you typically click the “New Adjustment Layer” button in your editing software, like Adobe Photoshop. Then, choose the specific adjustment type you need, such as brightness or saturation. The adjustment layer is added above your existing layers, and any modifications made affect all layers beneath it. This non-destructive approach is advantageous because it preserves the original image integrity, enabling easy tweaks and experimentation without permanently altering the underlying content.
    2. To make an adjustment layer affect only the layer beneath it, we can use a clipping mask. In applications like Adobe Photoshop, create a clipping mask by placing the adjustment layer directly above the specific layer we want to modify. Right-click on the adjustment layer and choose “Create Clipping Mask” or use the shortcut (Ctrl+Alt+G in Photoshop). This restricts the adjustment’s influence to the content of the targeted layer, ensuring that changes only apply to that specific layer and not the entire composition. Clipping masks are a powerful and precise way to tailor adjustments to individual layers, offering a finer level of control in graphic design and photo editing workflows.
    • Alyse B

      I really love your response. Super informative too. I could really tell by your response that you devoted time to explaining the material thoroughly. I can see clearly the effort it took to explain it in such detail and your mastery of the skill.

  3. Fahima

    What is an adjustment layer? Describe how it is created.

    An adjustment layer is a noninvasive tool in Adobe Photoshop that allows you to make color and tone adjustments to an image without impacting the underlying the actual image. Go to the “Layer” menu, pick “new adjustment layer,” and then select the required adjustment type by levels, curves, color, Saturation. A window with a menu will popup, allowing you to alter the settings. When you create an adjustment layer, it sits above your picture layers and affects all the layers beneath it. This noninvasive approach offers flexibility because changes can be changed or disabled without affecting the original image. 

    How do you make that adjustment only apply to the layer beneath it and what is that know as?

    A clipping mask can be used to make an adjustment layer effect only the layer beneath it. Select “Create Clipping Mask” from the right click menu on the adjustment layer, also you can use the keyboard shortcut hold Cmd, option, G. This approach restricts the effects of the change to the layer directly below, resulting in a targeted effect. The clipping relationship is visibly indicated by indenting the adjustment layer. which is referred to as clipping mask, and it allows for exact control over alterations on select layers without affecting the whole picture.

  4. matt14

     An adjustment layer in Adobe Photoshop is a non-destructive layer that allows you to apply various adjustments and effects to the layers below it.The key advantage of adjustment layers is that they don’t directly alter the original pixel data of the layers they affect. Instead, they provide a flexible and reversible way to modify the appearance of the layers beneath them. By using adjustment layers, you can experiment with different settings, easily make changes, and control the overall look of your image without affecting the original pixel data. This non-destructive approach is a powerful feature in Photoshop, providing flexibility in the editing process. By creating the adjustment layer you want to use this could be helpful for example, Levels, Curves, or Hue/Saturation adjustment layer.

    In Adobe Photoshop, you can restrict the effect of an adjustment layer to only apply to the layer directly beneath it by using a clipping mask. This technique is known as creating a “Clipping Mask” or “Clipping Group.”  Creating a clipping mask allows you to confine the effect of an adjustment layer to a specific layer or group of layers.This technique is often referred to as “clipping” or “clipping the adjustment layer to the layer below.” This method is also referred to as “clipping” or “clipping group” because the adjustment layer is clipped to the content of the layer below, limiting its impact to that specific area.

    Now, the adjustment will only affect the content of the layer immediately beneath it, and any changes you make to the adjustment layer will be constrained to that specific layer. This technique is beneficial when you want to apply adjustments selectively to certain elements in your art board, keeping your edits localized and non-destructive. It’s especially useful when working with complex layer compositions and trying to apply adjustments to specific objects or areas within your design.

  5. Maximo Cardenas

    1.  An adjustment layer is a great tool for photo editing or for altering the overall look of a composition. It allows you to edit specific aspects of your image without altering the original pixels, which is very important when working with raster images. The adjustments that can be applied are brightness and contrast, highlight and shadow levels, color intensity, hue and saturation, and blacks and whites. These adjustment options allow you to fine tune your image on every level. To create an adjustment layer you can go to the layers panel at the bottom where there is an option to create a new layers panel. Now you can go to the adjustment layers to make the specific alterations to your image.
    2. Now, say you only want to make adjustments to a specific portion of your image. It is possible to do so by using a clipping mask. A clipping mask is a layer that is attached to a designated layer and only alters said layer. To use the clipping mask, make sure that the part of the image is on its own layer as the clipping mask affects a whole layer rather than just a selection. Now create an adjustment layer and go to the layers panel to make sure it is above the layer that you want to alter. Before doing anything on that layer, you will right-click that new adjustment layer in the layers panel and select “Create Clipping Mask.” Now, any adjustments made on that mask/adjustment layer will only be applied to the layer below.
  6. Alyse B

    Question 1: What is an adjustment layer? Describe how it is created.

    1. An adjustment layer in Photoshop is a special type of layer used to apply various image adjustments without directly affecting the original pixel data on other layers. Adjustment layers provide a non-destructive way to modify the appearance of an image, allowing you to experiment with adjustments and easily make changes later. These layers act as a separate set of instructions that influence the layers beneath them. To make an adjustment layer, you’ll find an icon that looks like a half-filled circle at the bottom of the layers panel. Click on it. A menu will appear with various adjustment options, such as “Brightness/Contrast,” “Levels,” “Curves,” “Hue/Saturation,” and more. Select the type of adjustment you want to apply. Click on the specific adjustment name from the list.After choosing an adjustment type, a dialog box will appear, allowing you to adjust the settings for that particular adjustment. The options will vary depending on the type of adjustment you selected. Once you’ve adjusted the settings to your liking, click the “OK” button to apply the adjustment layer. Now, you’ll see a new adjustment layer added to the layers panel above your original image layer. 

    Question 02: How do you make that adjustment only apply to the layer beneath it and what is that know as?

    1. To make the adjustment only apply to the layer directly underneath it, you would make what is called a clipping mask. Make sure the adjustment layer is positioned directly above the layer you want to affect. In the Layers panel, the adjustment layer should be directly above the target layer. Move your cursor between the adjustment layer and the layer beneath it. Hold down the OPTION key and click when you see the cursor change to a square with a downward arrow. This creates a clipping mask.
  7. Jada Bellille

    What is an adjustment layer? Describe how it is created.

    • An adjustment layer is a feature that allows you to apply color and tone adjustments to an image without affecting the original image layer. It’s essentially a (fx) effect

    How do you make that adjustment only apply to the layer beneath it and what is that know as?

    • To make adjustments only apply to the layer beneath it, you would need to create a clipping mask. to do so select the clipping mask in the layers panel, a second layer below your adjustment layer should have been created. that is your clipping mask and any adjustments made on the above layer will only affect the content of the layer beneath it.
  8. Keshawn

    The adjustment layer is a layer used to control the color and tones of an entire image or specific layers. It allows you to temporarily make changes without altering the pixels of the imagery.

    A clipping mask can be used to make the adjustments apply to the layer beneath. The clipping mask restricts you from affecting the above layer.

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