Class Info

  • Date: Wednesday, Nov 1, 2023
  • Meeting Info: 6:00pm – 9:20pm, Room P-124

Homework Due This Class

  • Retouched photograph, using the techniques we covered in class.
  • Find an image (head and shoulders, with bad skin preferably) and use layers for correcting skin as demonstrated in class. Use all the tools available to you and use them on individual layers. Be sure to name your layers so they are easily identified.
  • Your file should be saved according to the following naming convention, 09_LastName_retouching.psd (Photoshop file). Your files are saved with the layers.
  • Upload your finished file to the Google Drive folder.


Today, we will discuss and explore layers and how to create collages and composite photos.

Use layers to create collages that can have their stacking order moved.


What you can expect to learn

  • Adobe Bridge
    • Opening Multiple Documents
  • Layer Basics
    • Changing Opacity
    • Adding Shape Layers
    • Creating Layer Groups
    • Changing Color Modes
    • Merging and Flattening Layers


Each week we will review homework assignments from the previous class. Students will participate in reviewing material and offering suggestions for improvement for their cohort. Today we will take a look at your retouching.


Lab assignments are done during class time.

Today’s in-class assignment:

  • Theme: Autumn in New York
  • Size: 5in x 7in; single side (no need to include mailing information)
  • Create a postcard with a collage of several photos (3-5) depicting the fall/autumn season—the things that represent autumn.
  • Include the title: Autumn in New York
  • Consider the techniques reviewed during class demo.
  • Find photos from the websites listed in the resource section below.
  • Save your file with the name: 10_LastnameFirstInitial_collage.psd (Photoshop file) Upload your file as a .PSD file. DO NOT FLATTEN YOUR FILES. I WANT TO SEE THE LAYERS OF YOUR WORK.
  • Upload the file to the Google Drive folder.

View tutorial for extra help:


Each week you will need to respond to two questions posted. This is a requirement for participation part of your grade.

Homework Due Next Class – Project #2

All work should be submitted by 11:30pm the day before class.

  • Create a composite using a MINIMUM of 4 photographs. Your creativity will be part of your grade along with technique.
  • The composite can be something that is fantastical, mystical, or more realistic. You will select your theme or topic. I me during class if you are having trouble coming up with a theme or topic for this project.
  • Size: 8.5in x 11in at 300ppi resolution (portrait or landscape)
  • Due: Nov 8th
  • When selecting and evaluating your photos, consider all the things we reviewed in class.
  • You will use layers, layer masks, adjustment layers, blending modes
  • Use at least one adjustment and clip it to affect the layer beneath it
  • See the resources section below for a list of sites that offer free stock photos. You may take your own photos, if you choose.
  • Each file should be saved according to the following naming convention. i.e., 10_LastNameFirstInitial_composite.psd (Photoshop). The file is saved with ALL your working layers. DO NOT FLATTEN YOUR FILES. I WANT TO SEE THE LAYERS OF YOUR WORK.
  • Upload your finished .PSD image, with it’s layers, in the Google Drive folder.


  • Opacity
  • Merge
  • Flattened


Websites with offer FREE high resolution royalty-free stock photos:

YouTube tutorials that can help you with techniques. The first one is a little long but worth it if it helps you:


Here are few extra tutorials if you still don’t understand layers and masks.