Faculty: Below is a streamlined schedule to share with students; it allows students to see the full semester without becoming overwhelmed. It does not include the detailed prompts students will need to complete weekly assignments. You can find details regarding all assignments and readings in the Instructor Schedule once you have cloned this course–otherwise, you can review it on the FYW Model Course Hub. You can then share these details with students in the Weekly Class Agendas. The Week 1 agenda is already published here as a model; all other weekly agendas have been labeled in drafts and are ready to be filled with the weekly assignments.  If you prefer, you can change or tailor the schedule for your course. Please delete this informational block when you are ready to share your site with your students. You can find the Instructor Schedule listed in Dashboard > Pages > All Pages. You can find agenda drafts in Dashboard > Posts > All Posts > Drafts. For help working with OpenLab Course sites, visit OpenLab Help.


ENG 1101: Model syllabus for online instruction

–incorporating Core Books at CUNY and the First Year Writing curriculum–

Introduction: Course Overview & Tips for Being an Online Student

 Day 1


  • Sign up for our OpenLab site/Go to our Blackboard class site: if you encounter problems, please email me at ___________________.
  • Review the course site: be sure to read the introduction to the course, look over the syllabus, and open and review all course tabs/sections.
  • If using OpenLab, review: “Tips for Success” on “The OpenLab for Students.”
  • If using BlackBoard, review: “Student Guide to Blackboard.”

 WRITING: Introductions

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 2


WRITING: Habits and Techniques

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.

Unit 1 — Education Narrative

Day 3



WRITING: Frederick Douglass, Malcolm X, and Anita Jiang

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 4


  • Read the assignment guidelines for “Unit 1: Education Narrative” (email/ask me if you have any questions about these guidelines).
  • Watch “Understanding Genre Awareness
  • Look over the texts from last class and think about them in relation to your own educational journey.

WRITING: Genre Analysis

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 5


WRITING: Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, Day 1

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 6


  • Read Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” again. Be on the lookout for moments where Plato emphasizes the physical and concrete details that the prisoners experience; for example, pay attention to anything they see, hear, and physically feel (along with what causes it). Find three of these details, and think about what they might symbolize.
  • Watch the two short videos for Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”: here and here

WRITING: Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, Day 2

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 7


WRITING: Drafting

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 8


  • Read your peer review partner’s draft and with it in mind do the activities below. 


 WRITING: Peer Review

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 9


 WRITING: Creating a Title & Looking at Transitions

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 10


  • Read through the feedback on your draft.


WRITING: Workshop Day-Revising

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.

Unit 2 — Reflective Annotated Bibliography Project

Day 11
  • SUBMIT Unit 1 (Education Narrative)
  • Write a short reflection on the process of writing Unit 1. Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.


  • Assignment guidelines for Unit 2: Annotated Bibliography Project
  • Annotated Bibliography Project Student Samples
  • James Baldwin, “A Talk to Teachers


 WRITING: Introducing the Reflective Annotated Bibliography Project:

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 12


WRITING: Analyzing the Declaration of Independence & Brainstorming Research Topics

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 13


 WRITING: Developing Research Questions

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 14

Library Day: Make sure to build in a day for the Library Session here or wherever it works for you during the semester.

 WRITING: Research Prep Day (Writing Workshop)

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 15


WRITING: Drafting the Annotations

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 16

WRITING: Drafting & Conferencing

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 17


WRITING: Drafting– Finalizing the Reflective Annotated Bibliography Project

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.

Unit 3 — Writing in a New Genre

Day 18 
  • SUBMIT Unit 2: Reflective Annotated Bibliography Project
  • Write a short reflection on the process of writing Unit 2. Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.


WRITING: Introducing the Writing in a New Genre Project

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 19


WRITING: Interviews as a Genre & Thinking about Audience

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 20

WRITING: Genre Scavenger Hunt

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 21


  • We have been thinking about genre, now choose the genre you will use for Unit 3 and find an example.

WRITING: Analyzing Samples

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 22

WRITING: Drafting Your Genre Piece

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 23

WRITING: Drafting — Finalizing the Writing in a New Genre Project

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.

Day 24

  • SUBMIT UNIT 3: Writing in a New Genre Assignment


  • Read through all your work so far this semester and the comments you received. 
  • Read through the assignment guidelines for the “Final Reflection and Portfolio.”
  • Donald M. Murray, “The Maker’s Eye: Revising Your Own Manuscripts

WRITING: Thinking about Revisions, Reflecting, and Building the Portfolio

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.

Final Reflection and Portfolio

Day 25

WRITING: Reflecting and Building the Portfolio

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 26

WRITING: Drafting

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 27

WRITING: Drafting

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.


Day 28
  • SUBMIT Final Reflection and Portfolio Assignment
  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 29
  • TBA

Faculty: Below is a streamlined schedule to share with students; it allows students to see the full semester without becoming overwhelmed. It does not include the detailed prompts students will need to complete weekly assignments. You can find details regarding all assignments and readings in the Instructor Schedule once you have cloned this course–otherwise, you can review it on the FYW Model Course Hub. You can then share these details with students in the Weekly Class Agendas. The Week 1 agenda is already published here as a model; all other weekly agendas have been labeled in drafts and are ready to be filled with the weekly assignments.  If you prefer, you can change or tailor the schedule for your course. Please delete this informational block when you are ready to share your site with your students. You can find the Instructor Schedule listed in Dashboard > Pages > All Pages. You can find agenda drafts in Dashboard > Posts > All Posts > Drafts. For help working with OpenLab Course sites, visit OpenLab Help.


ENG 1101: Model syllabus for online instruction

–incorporating Core Books at CUNY and the First Year Writing curriculum–

Introduction: Course Overview & Tips for Being an Online Student

 Day 1


  • Sign up for our OpenLab site/Go to our Blackboard class site: if you encounter problems, please email me at ___________________.
  • Review the course site: be sure to read the introduction to the course, look over the syllabus, and open and review all course tabs/sections.
  • If using OpenLab, review: “Tips for Success” on “The OpenLab for Students.”
  • If using BlackBoard, review: “Student Guide to Blackboard.”

 WRITING: Introductions

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 2


WRITING: Habits and Techniques

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.

Unit 1 — Education Narrative

Day 3



WRITING: Frederick Douglass, Malcolm X, and Anita Jiang

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 4


  • Read the assignment guidelines for “Unit 1: Education Narrative” (email/ask me if you have any questions about these guidelines).
  • Watch “Understanding Genre Awareness
  • Look over the texts from last class and think about them in relation to your own educational journey.

WRITING: Genre Analysis

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 5


WRITING: Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, Day 1

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 6


  • Read Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” again. Be on the lookout for moments where Plato emphasizes the physical and concrete details that the prisoners experience; for example, pay attention to anything they see, hear, and physically feel (along with what causes it). Find three of these details, and think about what they might symbolize.
  • Watch the two short videos for Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”: here and here

WRITING: Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, Day 2

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 7


WRITING: Drafting

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 8


  • Read your peer review partner’s draft and with it in mind do the activities below. 


 WRITING: Peer Review

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 9


 WRITING: Creating a Title & Looking at Transitions

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 10


  • Read through the feedback on your draft.


WRITING: Workshop Day-Revising

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.

Unit 2 — Reflective Annotated Bibliography Project

Day 11
  • SUBMIT Unit 1 (Education Narrative)
  • Write a short reflection on the process of writing Unit 1. Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.


  • Assignment guidelines for Unit 2: Annotated Bibliography Project
  • Annotated Bibliography Project Student Samples
  • James Baldwin, “A Talk to Teachers


 WRITING: Introducing the Reflective Annotated Bibliography Project:

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 12


WRITING: Analyzing the Declaration of Independence & Brainstorming Research Topics

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 13


 WRITING: Developing Research Questions

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 14

Library Day: Make sure to build in a day for the Library Session here or wherever it works for you during the semester.

 WRITING: Research Prep Day (Writing Workshop)

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 15


WRITING: Drafting the Annotations

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 16

WRITING: Drafting & Conferencing

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 17


WRITING: Drafting– Finalizing the Reflective Annotated Bibliography Project

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.

Unit 3 — Writing in a New Genre

Day 18 
  • SUBMIT Unit 2: Reflective Annotated Bibliography Project
  • Write a short reflection on the process of writing Unit 2. Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.


WRITING: Introducing the Writing in a New Genre Project

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 19


WRITING: Interviews as a Genre & Thinking about Audience

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 20

WRITING: Genre Scavenger Hunt

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 21


  • We have been thinking about genre, now choose the genre you will use for Unit 3 and find an example.

WRITING: Analyzing Samples

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 22

WRITING: Drafting Your Genre Piece

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 23

WRITING: Drafting — Finalizing the Writing in a New Genre Project

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.

Day 24

  • SUBMIT UNIT 3: Writing in a New Genre Assignment


  • Read through all your work so far this semester and the comments you received. 
  • Read through the assignment guidelines for the “Final Reflection and Portfolio.”
  • Donald M. Murray, “The Maker’s Eye: Revising Your Own Manuscripts

WRITING: Thinking about Revisions, Reflecting, and Building the Portfolio

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.

Final Reflection and Portfolio

Day 25

WRITING: Reflecting and Building the Portfolio

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 26

WRITING: Drafting

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 27

WRITING: Drafting

  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.


Day 28
  • SUBMIT Final Reflection and Portfolio Assignment
  • Specific instructions will be announced in class and/or our class site.
Day 29
  • TBA