In Class on Wednesday, we will…
- Begin by discussing the “why” and “how ” behind sources and citation.
- Review Unit Two assignment sheet and checklist. Do you have everything you need to finish?
- While I continue to meet with individual students about their assignments and progress, students will use this handout to check introductions and source entries for completeness and clarity. They should work with one partner for this.
- Unit 2 Assignments due. Please upload your final draft to our Openlab website. If you use Google Docs or Canva, you can post the link in Openlab. If using Google Docs you must make sure to share the doc so that I can see it. Click “Share” in top Right corner of your Doc, and change access to “Anyone with the link”
In class on Friday, we will…
- Focus on finishing up Unit Two RAB assignments and making the transition to Unit Three. It’s good to think about the transition to Unit 3 with the following reflection prompt: At the end of Unit 2, you decided who you thought needed to hear about your research. Who was that? Do you need to narrow that down a bit? What genre do you think is best to reach that audience?
- As a class, look over the assignment sheet for Unit 3. Look at examples of past Unit 3 assignments as well as published examples of writing that has come out of good research.
- Take a look at the “Later Library” as well as The Procrastination Station ( This is basically an extended Unit 2-3 project. There are sources in multiple genres. Even the lesson plans, instagram, twitter and the site itself are projects on procrastination (in their own genres).
- Take time to ask questions about Unit 3, and brainstorm possible genres to consider writing in.
Homework for next week:
- Bring to class at least 2 ideas for what genre you could use for your Unit 3 assignment. What genre/form of writing would work best? What genre/form of writing would you be most excited to use?
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