During class on Wednesday, we will…


  • REVIEW “Narrative Basic Features” PowerPoint by Laura Westengard.
  • As a class, we’ll talk about Professor Westengard’s PowerPoint, then break into small groups to analyze a past reading assignment (The Fourth of July) using the features covered.
    • With your group, find the “feature” of the narrative that you have been assigned to examine (dramatic arc, dialogue, vivid description, significance).
    • Identify moments in the Lorde texts where you see the feature you have been assigned.
    • Copy out quotes or mark the text where you see the feature at work, and explain why it is that feature and/or how the feature is working in that moment. 

Before Class on Friday…

  • Read “Shitty First Drafts” by Anne Lamott.
  • Work on your own “shitty first draft”! Look at the material you’ve generated through brainstorming and freewriting in this class.

During Class on Friday, we will…

  • First watch this slide show about emailing a professor. Next, we’ll write an email to a professor as a class, then asks Chat GPT to write an email to a professor. Which do you like best? What is gained and lost in the ChatGPT version? 
  • Discuss Chat GPT and academic integrity. This slide show walks you through some of the ins and outs of ChatGPT and the importance of finding your own voice . We’ll talk about this more in-depth later in the semester. However, students should know that turning in work written by Chat GPT does count as plagiarism at City Tech– it’s also easy to catch!)
    • It’s important tounderstand here that the purpose of this assignment is to ask for help–so, it’s important you use your own voice to do that, not a robot’s! Your professors are here to help you.

Homework for next Wednesday (9/27)…

  • Many times, students don’t know the rules when it comes to writing emails to professors. This isn’t their fault! There are so many rules, how could a person keep track? That’s why I want you to practice this extremely important genre of writing. First, watch this slide show about emailing a professor, and then write me an email either: 
    • A) Asking me a question about Unit 1. This can be a question you have about the assignment or about your essay in particular or
    • B) Explaining to me how you think your essay is going. 
  • Don’t use Chat GPT!!
  • If you have something else you want to talk about, feel free to write about that. These topics are really just there to give you ideas. Do your best to follow all the guidelines given in the handout! If you don’t get it right, that’s okay, but give it a shot. 

Looking Ahead…

  • First Draft of your Education Narrative essay is due next Friday (9/29)
    • At least 800 words. Pay attention to your paragraphs! Remember that you can use anything we have already written in this unit if you want. All low-stakes assignments are to help you write the major papers!