Author Archives: Ashmeed

Shane and Lauryn

Headed down a road of apocalyptic destruction. My life has made a turn for the worst. Working at a low paying, dead end job. Partying and drinking took all of my time and lots of my money. I knew if something didn’t change soon I would end up on the street or in jail. It all began to change, the first time he grabbed my finger and wouldn’t let go.

My son has motivated and inspired me more than anyone I can remember. I strive to be the best that I can be so he has a positive roll-model to look up to. He mimics my every move. From the words that I use, to the actions that I make. I want to provide him with the best opportunity so he can have a successful life. I never thought anyone would be able to give me more strength and hope than he was. That is until his sister joined the club. The two joys of my life, that changed me for the better; never had a clue what they were doing.


  1. A smart Indian, one who is able to share their thoughts freely and openly; Outspoken, Opinionated, and, Direct are traits all races should embrace. As individuals we will be able to communicate without the fear of ridicule from other races.  Indian children are embraced and accepted for their failures from the non-Indian counter parts.
  2. Embracing yourself with an immense education will set you up for great success in life. Reading anything and everything imaginable. The author has a substantial love and devotion to better himself and not to worry what others perceive of you.
  3. Following in the footsteps of a great roll model. With a love and passion to elevate your education to the highest level. One is bound for glory. Believe in yourself and don’t let anyone corrupt your mental state with negative aspirations.
  4. A paragraph is sentences formed, to expose a particular point or idea. “Fences ” is an excellent metaphor that helped me to better understand and how to properly use a paragraph. To me a paragraph is like “a deep breath.” One initial purpose to relieve your lungs, as an author describes one specific theme.

Tag your it!!!

Elementary school, the last time school was really fun. It was a hot summer day, we were out in the yard for recess. We played everything, tag, asses up, kick the can, man hunt, and red light green light; also I can’t forget we played all sports, ALL. This one day we decided to play tag. Our favorite place to play, was in the ally way. For some reason the teachers didn’t monitor us there as much. The fence and the step was the base, and if you went out the yard you would be “it.” I remember holding on to the fence as the “it” chased after someone. I made a mad dash to free someone, when a foot came out of nowhere. Head down on my hand and knees, I remember wanting to find out who tripped me. As I raised me head all I heard was oooo, ahhhhs, and omg. I remember wiping my face thinking it was sweat, but my hand was the brightest red I had ever seen. One kid said your blood splashed me when you picked your head up. The whole time I’m thinking I cant be hurt I’m not in pain nor was I crying. As the teachers arrived, one  grabbed a shirt and held it to my face, and rushed me to the nurses office. As the nurse removed the shirt of my face in the bathroom that is when the pain kicked in. I started crying instantly. The nurse then handed me a phone, when I answered it was my dad; which, made me cry even more. When my dad arrived he took me to the hospital. Seventeen stiches later and a scare for life I went back in search to find the foot. Not one person seen who the foot belonged to. But I did get the t-shirt with my blood on it from when I picked up my head and sprayed everyone around.


“Success is taken not given” its a must that you “work hard” ,and “study hard.” A “positive mind results in a positive life” and never forget to “have faith” ,and “believe in God” he will show you the right path for success. “Know what you want in life” and make sure to “set goals,” also “never say never” “never give up” and “don’t stop pushing yourself to be the best.” To be successful you must “follow your heart” “believe in yourself” and always “aim for the stars.” “Keep your eyes on the prize” and try to “live love and laugh” it will make it a pleasant journey. “Don’t cry over spilled milk” impossible to “erase your past” so “the past is the past” “never make the same mistake twice.” you know the saying “fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me.” “Don’t worry be happy” success will come “follow your dreams” “try and try again” because “practice makes perfect.” Make sure to “always be polite” and “love each other” it will lead you on the right path for success. “If you want something you have to ask nicely” “talk less and listen more” and “if you cry you get nothing” more importantly “if you say something mean it” “no question is the only bad question” so take all information and eat it up. “Enjoy your life while your young” don’t forget that “blood is thicker than water” and “family over friends” but always remember to “feed your hunger” and then if you “work hard play harder” hopefully I have laid a foundation that you two can follow and supersede in days to come.


I never thought I’d be able to say I’m going back to school. Graduating from high school was a struggle. I was absent more than present my senior year. When I took the entry exams I thought I was setting myself up for failure.  Failing the CATW, Math test and barley passing the reading I thought I was doomed. Worried I wouldn’t be able to pass my classes or have time for my class/home work. How will I be able to go to school and be able to take care of my wife and kids? When will I have time for them? Where would I get the money for tuition? All these brought great concern to my start in college.

One semester in and I’m ecstatic about the progress I’ve made. Passing all my classes with grades I didn’t know I was able to get. Also doing it without missing class is something I didn’t dream of doing or saying. Being a perfectionist that I am, I expect to stay on the deans list, be at the top in all my classes and graduate in honors. I am very excited about this journey. Learning new things, meeting new people, and livid about conquering a challenge that I would’ve never seen myself doing. Can’t wait for August 17, to pass the CATW. English 1101 here I come!!!

Maracas Beach

The one and only Maracas Beach. As a child growing up, I remember going almost every weekend. The drive through the mountain shows a breath taken view of the island that is imprinted in my brain. As you get to the top of the mountain, your ears begin to ring because of the altitude. That’s when you know your halfway there. Down the winding road overlooking the side of the mountain, you begin to see the coconuts trees as they line the road. The smell of the sea and the aroma from all the food huts tells you we’re here.  From Africans to Indians, Spanish to Asians dancing to the music, as they bombard the “Bake and Shark” hut. In the parking lot the music is so loud, you can’t hear the siren of the police car as it passes by. With your tired feet, and full belly, you make a mad dash for the water. Some how it rejuvenates your soul. Maybe its the salt from the water or the sand between your toes, I always leave, feeling like a new person. The one place that is a must when I go back home. It brings back many memories and good times that will last a life time.