Monthly Archives: August 2017


I am proud of myself, I didnt do the best but now i have a better understand on were i was going wrong at. I have a better understanding of how to write an essay. I did a pretty good job when it comes down to the basics of completing an essay. What I was missing was examples and more explanatio. Unfortunately I am definitely one of those who thinks of more ideas to contribute after the fact. I must put examples   and explain what I’m trying to write in more detail so that my readers can understand what I’m writing.

Carlos Mejia

I did good at finding the verb and subject, but when it came for me to do it on my own i feel lile i need a little more help on that. I understand commas, placing capital letters, and apostrophes. I also just need to get to know the terms compound sentence, complex sentence, coordinating conjunctions, snd conjunction adverbs a bit more. For the writing part i feel lile i need to add more of my own opoinions and not just quotes.

Memo- Kathleen

During the practice Grammar Test, I think i did well in analyzing the idea of the article given to me. I knew the main idea, my reason to agree with the article, and what examples to use. But i still struggle to put commas in the right places and not turn them into comma splices. I also have trouble coming with a thesis statement that i can stick to in my entire essay. I know that i need to re-read my essay because it sounded bad when i read it and really need to explain more if I want to clear my reason.

Memo August 1

Simply write me a memo about how you felt after doing the practice Grammar Test. What did you think you did well? What do you still see as something you need to work on?

After that, create a chart for your personal grammar demons following the one in Grassroots, but only create columns for the error you make, what it’s called/how it’s defined, an example, and a way to remember how to catch it. You don’t have to fill it out completely for tomorrow (and yes, my brain is marginally working now!); just do what you can and bring it in.

Memo – Dina

After taking the practice CATW and got a look at the midterm exam I was able to detect what I need improvement in still . For the CATW I need help with transition words so that my paragraphs are organized. I also need help with explaining the importance of evidence, and therefore elaborating so that it can support my thesis. Lastly I need help putting things in my own words when doing the summary portion where I’m not just repeating the article . As for the midterm exam, I need help telling apart what a complex sentence and conjunction adverb sentence is . I also need help telling apart the mechanics such as commas and semicolons and when I should use them .