Dear Stuff

When I was a child my possessions were my clothes, sneakers and jewelry. I hated when people were around my belongings because I was a afraid that something would either break or could have been perminatly damaged. As I started to mature into a teenager I realized that these material things could not benefit my future. They were only temporary items that made my heart melt at the time. My possession in life today is to be successful. I’m not really sure if that’s is considered a possesion but controlling my future is essential to me. Becoming successful to me is back-breaking because I’m emotional. I considered it to be back-breaking because I have no idea what I want to be in life. I understand that I am young and have time to figure it out, but I’d rather know now so I can figure out what steps I need to take in order to succeed. A fear of mine is that when I get my degree will I even be able to get a job in the field that I decided to major in. I know a handful of people who have their Bachelors Degree and still cannot find a job in the area which they studied. Seeing that gives me doubts because it makes me wonder what if that was me. As well there are moments when I’m thinking about my future and I get excited. What excites me is that in August I will officially start my first semester in college. I am currently balancing working and attending school which was a struggle for me because I’m not good on time management but it is preparing me for the next two years of my life. And I feel like writing essays are becoming very uncomplicated for me, which is an accomplishment because I know the majority of my homework will be essays.

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