Superman and Me ~ Carlos Mejia

  1. 1. A “smart Indian is a dangerous person, widely feared and ridiculed” because “Indian children were expected to be stupid”. Non- Indians adopted this opinion – that Indians “are” stupid- because when they come to face with non – Indians they duck their heads and just stay quiet. Indian children adpoted this opinion because they were afraid pf the non- Indians.

    2. When the author says ” I was trying to save my life” i believe he meant tjat he wanted to do what ever he could to get out of the reservation. I think he’s trying rk say that getting an education can help you in life; by getting more money, a better job or even a career.

    3. The characteristics needed to break free from sterotypes is determination. One must be determined to break those stereotypes and do the opposite of what they are. It may be hard because kf everyone knowing those sterotypes but with determination you can get passed that.

    4. It dose help me understand what a paragraph. A paragraph has a series of sentences. Each paragraph has a main idea and then exaples to support it. Like in the story ” Superman and Me” the house was the paragraph and the rooms were the ideas supporting it.

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