The time I fell into a ditch

As a child my parents made me go to every family reunion and I hated it. But this has got to be one of the worst family reunion vacations I’ve ever went on. So I was about nine or ten and my fathers side of the family was having there reunion in South Carolina. My mother, father, cousins, siblings and I drove down there which takes about ten hours. After a long stressful ride we finally get to our hotel. My family reunion is about a week long. Everyday of the week we have different activities for us to do as a group which used to be really fun. As our trip was coming to an end we spend our last day at my great grandparents house. I was amazed on how big my family is. While all of the adults where inside the house the kids played outside around the house. People who live down south knows that when It gets dark outside it is pitch black. Us kids decided to play tag in the backyard. My cousin Celeste was “it”. As she was chasing everyone around the house, not paying attention and because it was pitch black I didn’t see the ditch. Five seconds after I was able to climb out of the mud. It was disgusting, I had mud everywhere, bugs everywhere on me and I ended up lossing a shoe. I remember I began to just cry hard to the point I had a headache. I didn’t want to be around anyone but my mother. One of my cousin ended up going to get her and she was crying drastically as any mother would when their child is hurt. This was one memory I could never forget.

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