“Success is taken not given” its a must that you “work hard” ,and “study hard.” A “positive mind results in a positive life” and never forget to “have faith” ,and “believe in God” he will show you the right path for success. “Know what you want in life” and make sure to “set goals,” also “never say never” “never give up” and “don’t stop pushing yourself to be the best.” To be successful you must “follow your heart” “believe in yourself” and always “aim for the stars.” “Keep your eyes on the prize” and try to “live love and laugh” it will make it a pleasant journey. “Don’t cry over spilled milk” impossible to “erase your past” so “the past is the past” “never make the same mistake twice.” you know the saying “fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me.” “Don’t worry be happy” success will come “follow your dreams” “try and try again” because “practice makes perfect.” Make sure to “always be polite” and “love each other” it will lead you on the right path for success. “If you want something you have to ask nicely” “talk less and listen more” and “if you cry you get nothing” more importantly “if you say something mean it” “no question is the only bad question” so take all information and eat it up. “Enjoy your life while your young” don’t forget that “blood is thicker than water” and “family over friends” but always remember to “feed your hunger” and then if you “work hard play harder” hopefully I have laid a foundation that you two can follow and supersede in days to come.

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