About College-Dina

My biggest concern about college is spending the time and money to get a degree and then not being able to get a job. For instance my cousin received her bachelors in the criminal justice field and it’s been a month since she’s graduated and she has yet to get a job. Therefore one of my concerns is questioning if I chose the right major, Human Services. Another one of my concerns about college is time management, If I will be able to manage going to school, working, having a relationship and time for myself. And If I can’t handle all those main priorities it will blow up in my face. Lastly If I can’t handle the pressure of finals , papers and midterms and crack under pressure. My goal in college is to build bridges with my professors and then be able to go to them if I have trouble with any assignment and maybe helpful when it comes to the work field and I need references. Another goal I have for college is afterwards I want to be able to get a job that I enjoy doing while making good money.

My biggest obstacle would have to be the lack of confidence I have in myself. I don’t work well under pressure and I’m always second guessing myself on the decision I made to attend college. Due to the fact that my sister received her bachelors even after she was a teen mom. She continued her studies throughout high school and onto college and she was able to graduate only one semester more when she was suppose to .On top of all this hassle she had my nephew who was such a kick ass mom too! . So you can imagine the pressure I am under, I have no kids and if my sister was able to do it there is no way I won’t be able to do it . Everyone just expects it to be easy for me and I wouldn’t want to let anyone down.

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