Description Project ~ Carlos Mejia

All my lifeI lived and grew up in this neighborhood; that neighborhood is called Brighton Beach. HAEre are so many things to see here. There are seagulls in the sky flying around, many differnent pepole- every single culture and race-,different stores – clothing/ fast food/shoe/ Phone/ and even fruit stores- the beach at night but the best thing you can see is the lights coming from Coney Island. There are plenty of smells as well, mostly good ones. The good smells revolve around all the different food that can be found here. The worst smell you can get hit in the face with is smoke from a cigarette. In  Brighton there also so many sounds. You hear a whole bunch of people talking, dogs barking, trains running back and forth- The Q and B- cars honking at one another and on Fridays fireworks going off.

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