class meeting Wednesday Mar 2

How to give helpful feedback. Workshopping. Introduction to Unit 2 – Feature Article.

due by Saturday Mar 5 end of day

  • Google Drive: Be sure you’ve left comments for at least one other classmate. As a reminder, here are some things you can say:
    • I liked ( ) because…
    • I found this part interesting because…
    • I got a little confused here because…
    • I would like to know more about this because…
  • Perusall: The Assignment Sheet for Unit 2 is posted (it’s also here). Read and leave questions or comments.
  • Perusall: Browse through these articles and pick one to read and annotate (we’ll be using them in a couple of weeks, but this will give you an idea about different types of feature articles).
  • Sports Illustrated, “Why I’m Behind the Student Athlete’s Bill of Rights”
  • Science News, “How coronavirus stress may scramble our brains”
  • The Cut, “Is Marriage Obsolete?”
  • Vox, “The Age of Monsters”

due by Tuesday Mar 8 end of day

  • OpenLab Post:Β Create a new post and write a brief memo saying what you think you would like to do or feel that you need to do when you revise the Portrait you wrote and got feedback on. React to what your classmates and prof blain said. Be as specific as you can β€” point to spots that you think need help. Category: Portrait Revision Memo
  • OpenLab post:Β You’re going to be narrowing down to your β€œbeat” (also known as topic) for your Feature Article. To get you going, brainstorm the answers to these questions and then post it in a new OpenLab post. You can do this a couple of ways: work on a different Word or Google doc and then copy/paste the results into the OpenLab post, or you can work directly in a new OpenLab post, or you can even attach an audio file if you choose. Here are the prompts:Β Category: My Beat
  • What I know a lot about is:
  • What I’m passionate about it:
  • What I start Googling when I have nothing better to do is:
  • What would make me crazy if someone told me to stop doing this is:
  • What makes me really angry is: