class meeting Wednesday Apr 13

The Quote Sandwich — how do we use it?

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Sandwich-Quote.png
The Quote Sandwich

Templates for Quoting (Graff_Birkenstein)

Here’s the link to the Colbert “Wheat Thins” bit (just for fun)

Getting set for Unit 3 Projects.

  • Multimodal article in Perusall: ideas and mentor example(s)
  • Unit 3 Assignment – audience analysis, genre conventions
  • Padlet for your ideas (be sure this is done by April 27)

Form work support groups by genre. Get started on the project!

SPRING BREAK Friday Apr 15 – Friday Apr 22

for class meeting Wednesday, April 27

Be sure to check out Tools for creating Unit 3 projects: (it’s on the Class Resources page) for examples and links. I’ll update them in the next few days, too.

Homework for Apr 27

Padlet: Create a post about your project. We’ll form tech work groups from this.

  • Be sure you have your name, idea, audience, and genre.
  • Add a link to a mentor text — something that is the same genre that you want to use and is a good example of what you want to do.

Other than that:

  • Work on your project when/if you can.
  • Prof Blain is available via Slack.