class meeting Wednesday Mar 23

Mentor texts – making sure we understand the structure. Writing the nut graf.

Nut graf prep list

Writing the hook (reminders…)

How to write an engaging opening

  • Paint a vivid picture using concrete detail
  • Use a metaphor to compare a complicated topic to something simple
  • Ask a question to make the reader curious
  • Tell a story about you or someone you know or someone you read about to make a personal connection

due by Sunday Mar 27 end of day

  • OpenLab: Write 150 words talking about where you are with your article. What problems are you having? What topic within your beat did you finally settle on? What field work did you do? How did it go? Category: article check-in
  • Google Drive: No real assignment, but be sure you’ve got your research annotations posted.

due by Tuesday Mar 29 end of day

  • Google Drive: Write a first draft of the hook and nut graf of your feature article and post in your folder in the β€œFeature Article” folder. The hook can obviously change if you find a better one as you write. Same with the nut graf. One of the annoying things about writing is that you often figure out what you meant to say as you’re saying new stuff! So honor that and go back to revise.