• What I know a lot about is:
    • Uyghur muslims concentration camps, war between Palestine and Israel, retirement plans, war between Ukraine and Russia, understaffed hospitals, nutritional food vs FDA approved food
  • What Iā€™m passionate about it:
    • human rights, health, financial freedom,
  • What I start Googling when I have nothing better to do is:
    • Trending issues like warcrime etc, new healthy recipes, ways to earn/save for the future
  • What would make me crazy if someone told me to stop doing this is:
    • If someone told me to stop spreading awareness on humanitarian issues, I would go crazy.
  • What makes me really angry is:
    • A lot of humanitarian issues “trend” for a month and then loose attention even though a resolution or response was never actually given. Sometimes this is done through media manipulation.