Jacquelyn Blain

Article check-in-Shakhzoda Obidova

As of today , I think I’m still in the process of finding more articles that are interesting. I’m struggling to write the nut graft since I haven’t really decided the exact thing to write about and I don’t know where to start. The topic that I’m probably going to go with will be about introverts and about me as an introvert, what problems I faced and what I experienced and also I want to talk about a little more how society views extroverts and introverts and interview with an extrovert and introvert but I’m still trying to figure out because if I want to talk about the ones I mentioned I feel like my article would be too long and I think it focuses on too many topics so I think I need advice to figure it out.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    Don’t worry so much about the nut graf right now. It’s often the last thing you write anyway, and the reason you’re having trouble is because you have so much you want to do. I think it’s great to interview both an introvert and an extrovert, but it’s going to mean your article will need to cut way back, perhaps focus on one aspect, something you’ll see comes up for both introverts and extroverts. Or, you could craft a question that’s the same for both (maybe what are you biggest challenges, what’s the best thing about being X — those kinds of things), and then use the answers to create a comparison piece. It would be easy enough to add expert research in that way. See what happens and keep me posted.

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