Jacquelyn Blain


The problems I’m having is starting my hook. Hooks for me are complicated i don’t know what to write that will get people attention to read my article. I usually don’t have a hook , I just have a title and then start talking about the topic. Another problem I’m having is knowing what information i will add on to my article. How much information i have to add. Which facts are the most important and that people barely know about. Im also having difficulties on knowing where to place what. For example i was going to start with my hook and then talk about the information , then connect it to the interview i made and the answers and then connect it to my experience . Im also having problems with making it sound more like my way then media articles.

The topic that i finally settle for my beat is How exercising affects your brain. I finally settled on this one because its straight forward. There is not much to call this article because its literally the effects of exercising on your brain. Yes i know theres a lot of articles out there named like that but i just couldn’t make another title for this topic.

The field work that i completed has been an interview to a person whois close to me and workouts and very fit. He’s also a person who’s constant with working out and has done it for his entire life , since he was a little boy so this will help out with my article data. Ive also collected facts about how exercise affects your brain. I’ve read into Famous fitness people in the world and their experiences of how exercise affects their brain. Ive collected information on articles as well.

I think this has gone pretty well. Im enjoying writing and finding out about exercising and the effects on the brain. I think that I will need a little help correlating in my writing.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    Hooks are hard!!!!! You often find it as you’re writing – some quote or some little story will be just the thing you’re looking for. It can be about you, or about somebody else. And many writers I know write their hook as the very last thing they do! So don’t despair — something will pop up. You obviously care about the topic, and I suspect you have more cool stuff you could use to open this than you actually realize. And THAT can make it hard; we call it an “overabundance of riches” 😀

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