• What I know a lot about is
    • Makeup, Skincare, Mental Health, Feminism, Astrology, Marvel/MCU, 
  • What I’m passionate about
    • In general, I’m passionate about personal growth, mental health, helping people, family
  • What I start googling when I have nothing better to do
    • Whenever I’m bored I google makeup videos, my favorite cosmetic and clothing brands, and I pretty much online shop. But I also tend to google unsolved true crime videos and it can honestly keep me entertained for hours.
  • What would make me crazy if someone told me to stop doing this is
    • If someone told me to stop procrastinating I would most definitely go crazy because as someone who procrastinates a lot, it’s a lot more than
      β€œbeing lazy” or having β€œpoor time management skills”, it’s usually manifested through my feelings of anxiety
  • What makes me really angry is
    • I get really angry at miscommunication. It gets me so mad when a certain narrative or words get twisted because there was a lack of clear communication.