For my article, I want to talk about the Feminism movement. For the longest time, I’ve heard the word feminist being thrown around, and while I considered myself one, I only recently started to expand my knowledge on what it truly means. After taking a course on women’s studies, I’ve gotten a lot more curious. At its core, I know that feminism aims to break the tropes surrounding what it means to be a woman, but how has the evolution of feminism affected society? How exactly has feminism helped or even harmed women? However, the biggest question I want to research through my article and what I think can be interesting to my readers is whether or not feminism is as inclusive as it poses to be. Despite its ideology to support β€œall” women, feminism has been seen to exclude the history and everyday experiences of black women and women of color.Β  It’s also failed to consider the range of issues affecting the daily lives of millions of women. How can a movement that is supposed to support all women only focus on those whose needs have already been met? And essentially I want my target audience to not only be feminists but the women who feel excluded from feminism and deserve a voice as well. To find information for my article, I intend to look through news articles, feminist books or blogs, websites and even ask for second opinions from family or friends.