Jacquelyn Blain

Proposal of my Beat

My beat has to do with fitness. Going to the gym has been something which many people, including myself, have always said they want to do for a variety of reasons, from mental health reasons to just overall body fitness. The most common reason people start going to the gym and lifting weights is based on aesthetics. Most people want to improve some aspect of their appearance: Anything from losing weight, getting “ripped,” β€œbulk up,” β€œtone up,” or getting a β€œbikini body.” I’ve wanted to go to the gym for similar reasons also, so I decided to begin my fitness journey during my freshman year of high school; I started in February, one month before my 15th Β birthday. Just recently turning 19, I have been consistent in my fitness journey for a little over 4 years now. Fitness is something that is now part of my life, and it is something that I truly enjoy. Throughout my journey, I have learned many things, I’ve had many experiences, and I’ve encountered and overcame many obstacles. I’m currently still learning new things. If someone removed fitness from my life, it would make me lose my identity.
I want to know more about the grave mistakes that people make when they want to get into fitness, and I want to know how people can fall victim to the massive amount of misinformation in the fitness industry. This story will be interesting because my viewers will be able to understand the reality of what the fitness industry looks like. I plan to somehow persuade my audience to get involved in fitness themselves as I share some information, and as I share stories based on my personal experience. I will find information from mostly articles. I may also plan to find some information from friends that are into fitness themselves. If I could publish an article about this topic anywhere, it would have to be somewhere that has some fitness/sports background maybe. My goal would be to reach people that are living a very unhealthy lifestyle, people that are attempting to get into fitness but don’t know where or how they should start, and people that just started their journey.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    You know so much! I think targeting people who are unsure, curious, but overwhelmed would be a good way to go . You kind of say this already so…

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