For my Feature Article I was thinking writing about autism. Autism is something I have knowledge about and also have some questions about because my brother is autistic, he was diagnosed with autism when he was 2 years old but the most common question many parents, siblings, doctors have is why do kids get autism? I feel like it is the question that most people ask and there is no answer to. Researching this topic will be interesting and maybe I’ll finally answer questions I have had in my mind for a while.

What I need to know more about to write this article is..

What is autism?

What are the early signs of autism?

Are there treatments available?

How is autism diagnosed?

Is autism genetic?

What causes autism?

Clear up rumors like: are autistic unintelligent?

My target audience is parents of children with a confirmed diagnosis of autism as well as those working with children with autism (teachers, teaching assistants,people who are just interested in the topic etc.)

What will make my story interesting will be the interviews or experiences from mothers, teachers and even experiences from autistic children, teen, the struggles they face but also the good things. Another thing that I will use will be data of how many babies develop autism, the ages, ethnicity, social class.

Where will I get my information?I will look in newspapers,news, interview my aunt and mom who have autistic children, biographys,documentaries. After I find information I will write it all in a organizable manner.