I think I will write about video games in my feature article and the purpose will be about how video games changed humanity. Video games are something that I have knowledge and curiosity to write about because it is my main hobby to do during my free time and I play many different types of games. Video games is something that is fun to play because you can do things that is not possible in the real world.Video games are also something I grew up playing with friends and family,

What I need to know more about to write this article is…

What are video games?

What is the history of video games?

How have video games negatively impacted humanity?

Are video games addictive?

What are the benefits of play videogames?

How has pandemic isolation made people want to play games?

What kind of gaming communities are there?

How do people communicate in these gaming communties?

My target audience for this feature will be gamers, people interested in getting to know how games impact our lives, and people wanting to get into gaming.

What will make my story interesting will be stories of how during the pandemic people used video games to interact and connect with other people during isolation. Another thing that will make my story interesting would be data that breaks down what kind of people play video games. Data such as what age group is most interested in video games or what video games is most played with by boys or girls,

I will get my information for my feature article from journal articles, experts, and documents. I will also use research reports as a source of information for my story. I take my time finding this information and then put it in a organizable manner for my feature story,